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LS ELECTRIC strives to maximize your profits in gratitude for choosing us as your partner.
Programmable Logic Control
XGB Ethernet/IP IF Module
XGT Series
Safety Instruction
Before using the product …
For your safety and effective operation, please read the safety instructions thoroughly before using the product.
► Safety Instructions should always be observed in order to prevent accident or risk with the safe and
proper use the product.
► Instructions are divided into “Warning” and “Caution”, and the meaning of the terms is as follows.
This symbol indicates the possibility of serious injury or death if some applicable
instruction is violated
This symbol indicates the possibility of severe or slight injury, and property
damages if some applicable instruction is violated
Moreover, even classified events under its caution category may develop into serious accidents relying on
situations. Therefore we strongly advise users to observe all precautions properly just like warnings.
► The marks displayed on the product and in the user’s manual have the following meanings.
Be careful! Danger may be expected.
Be careful! Electric shock may occur.
► The user’s manual even after read shall be kept available and accessible to
any user of the product.
Safety Instruction
Safety Instructions for design process
 Please install a protection circuit on the exterior of PLC so that the whole system may
operate safely regardless of failures from external power or PLC. Any abnormal output or
operation from PLC may cause serious problems to safety in whole system.
- Install protection units on the exterior of PLC like an interlock circuit that deals with opposite
operations such as emergency stop, protection circuit, and forward/reverse rotation or install an
interlock circuit that deals with high/low limit under its position controls.
- If any system error (watch-dog timer error, module installation error, etc.) is detected during
CPU operation in PLC, all output signals are designed to be turned off and stopped for safety.
However, there are cases when output signals remain active due to device failures in Relay and
TR which can’t be detected. Thus, you are recommended to install an addition circuit to monitor
the output status for those critical outputs which may cause significant problems.
 Never overload more than rated current of output module nor allow to have a short circuit.
Over current for a long period time maycause a fire .
 Never let the external power of the output circuit to be on earlier than PLC power, which may
cause accidents from abnormal output oroperation.
 Please install interlock circuits in the sequence program for safe operations in the system
when exchange data with PLC or modify operation modes using a computer or other
external equipments Read specific instructions thoroughly when conducting control operations
with PLC.
Safety Instruction
Safety Instructions for design process
Safety Instructions on installation process
 I/O signal or communication line shall be wired at least 100mm away from a high-voltage
cable or power line. Fail to follow this

 Use PLC only in the environment specified in PLC manual or general standard of data
sheet. If not, electric shock, fire, abnormal operation of the product may be caused.
 Before install or remove the module, be sure PLC power is off. If not, electric shock or damage
on the product may be caused.
 Be sure that every module is securely attached after adding a module or an extension
connector. If the product is installed loosely or incorrectly, abnormal operation, error or dropping
may be caused. In addition, contact failures under poor cable installation will be causing
malfunctions as well.
 Be sure that screws get tighten securely under vibrating environments. Fail to do so will put
the product under direct vibrations which will cause electric shock, fire and abnormal operation.
 Do not come in contact with conducting parts in each module, which may cause electric
shock, malfunctions or abnormal operation.
Safety Instruction
Safety Instructions for wiring process
 Prior to wiring works, make sure that every power is turned off. If not, electric shock or
damage on the product may be caused.
 After wiring process is done, make sure that terminal covers are installed properly before
its use. Fail to install the cover may cause electric shocks.
 Check rated voltages and terminal arrangements in each product prior to its wiring
process. Applying incorrect voltages other than rated voltages and misarrangement among
terminals may cause fire or malfunctions.
 Secure terminal screws tightly applying with specified torque. If the screws get loose, short
circuit, fire or abnormal operation may be caused. Securing screws too tightly will cause
damages to the module or malfunctions, short circuit, and dropping.
 Be sure to earth to the ground using Class 3 wires for FG terminals which is exclusively
used for PLC. If the terminals not grounded correctly, abnormal operation or electric shock
may be caused.
 Don’t let any foreign materials such as wiring waste inside the module while wiring,
which may cause fire, damage on the product or abnormal operation.
 Make sure that pressed terminals get tighten following the specified torque. External
connector type shall be pressed or soldered using proper equipments.
Safety Instruction
Safety Instructions for test-operation and maintenance
 Don’t touch the terminal when powered. Electric shock or abnormal operation may occur.
 Prior to cleaning or tightening the terminal screws, let all the external power off including
PLC power. If not, electric shock or abnormal operation may occur.
 Don’t let the battery recharged, disassembled, heated, short or soldered. Heat, explosion
or ignition may cause injuries or fire.
 Do not make modifications or disassemble each module. Fire, electric shock or abnormal
operation may occur.
 Prior to installing or disassembling the module, let all the external power off including
PLC power. If not, electric shock or abnormal operation may occur.
 Keep any wireless equipment such as walkie-talkie or cell phones at least 30cm away
from PLC. If not, abnormal operation may be caused.
 When making a modification on programs or using run to modify functions under PLC
operations, read and comprehend all contents in the manual fully. Mismanagement will
cause damages to products and accidents.
 Avoid any physical impact to the battery and prevent it from dropping as well. Damages
to battery may cause leakage from its fluid. When battery was dropped or exposed under strong
impact, never reuse the battery again. Moreover skilled workers are needed when exchanging
Safety Instruction
Safety Instructions for waste disposal
 Product or battery waste shall be processed as industrial waste. The waste may discharge
toxic materials or explode itself.
Revision History
Revision History
Version Date Contents Revised position
V 1.0 ’10.11 First edition -
V 2.0 ’17. 4 Add service setting by tag
XG5000 V4.0 UI updated
V2.1 ’20. 6 Changed company name to LS ELECTRIC Entire
※ The number of User’s manual is indicated right part of the back cover.
ⓒ 2010 LSELECTRICCo., Ltd All Rights Reserved.
About User’s Manual
About User’s Manual
Congratulations on purchasing PLC of LS ELECTRIC Co., Ltd.
Before use, make sure to carefully read and understand the User’s Manual about the functions,
performances, installation and programming of the product you purchased in order for correct use and
importantly, let the end user and maintenance administrator to be provided with the User’s Manual.
The User’s Manual describes the product. If necessary, you may refer to the following description and order
accordingly. In addition, you may connect our website (http://www.lselectric.co.kr/) and download the
information as a PDF file.
Relevant User’s Manuals
Title Description
No. of User’s
XG5000 User’s
It describes how to use XG5000 software especially about online
functions such as programming, printing, monitoring and
debugging by using XGT series products.
XGK/XGB Series
Instruction &
It describes how to use the instructions for programming using
XGK/XGB series. 10310000510
XGB Hardware
User’s Manual
It describes how to use the specification of power/input
/output/expansion modules, system configuration and built-in
High-speed counter for XGB basic unit.
XGB Analog
User’s Manual
It describes how to use the specification of analog input/analog
output/temperature input module, system configuration and builtin PID control for XGB basic unit.
XGB Position
User’s Manual
It describes how to use built-in positioning function for XGB unit.
XGB Cnet I/F
User’s Manual
It describes how to use built-in communication function for XGB
basic unit and external Cnet I/F module.
XGB Fast Ethernet
I/F User’s Manual
It describes how to use XGB FEnet I/F module. 10310000873

About User’s Manual
Current XBL-EIPT manual is written based on the following version.
Related OS version list
Product name OS version
XG5000 V4.21
◎ Contents ◎
Chapter 1 Overview
1.1 Overview ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-1
1.2 Features ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-2
1.3 Product Components-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-3
1.3.1 Indication of Type Names -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-3
1.4 Software for Using Products --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-4
1.4.1 Confirms for Software ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-4
1.4.2 XG5000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-4
1.4.3 Confirmation of Versions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-5
1.5 Compatibility by OS version of XGB EtherNet/IP I/F module----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-6
1.5.1 Version information available with communication service by Tag -------------------------------------------------------- 1-6
1.5.2 Operation compatibility according to O/S version------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-6
Chapter 2 Specification
2.1 General Specification ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2-1
2.2 Performance Specification ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2-2
2.3 Name of Each Part --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-3
2.4 Cable Standards ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2-5
2.4.1 UTP Cable ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-5
Chapter 3 Installation and Trial- Run
3.1 Installation Environment --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-1
3.2 Cautions when Handling -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-2
3.3 The Order for Setting up Products till Running ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-3
3.4 Available device area-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-4
3.5 Installation of Products ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-6
3.5.1 Installation of XBL-EIPT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-6
3.6 Trial- Run ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-8
3.6.1 Directions when Configuring Systems ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-8
Chapter 4 System Configuration
4.1 Configuration of a Usable System -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-1
4.1.1 System Configuration using a Switch ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-1
4.1.2 System Configuration not using a Switch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4-1
4.2 Configuration of an unusable System --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-2
4.2.1 System Configuration using a Switch------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-2
4.2.2 Configuration of a Ring System (Configuration of a XGL-EIPT Ring) ------------------------------------------------------ 4-2
Chapter 5 Installation of Software and Communication Parameters
5.1 Installation and Execution of Software -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-1
5.1.1 Installation of XG5000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-1
5.1.2 Installation of USB Device Drive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5-4
5.1.3 Confirmation on the Installation of USB Device Driver ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-7
5.2 How to Register Communication Modules ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5-15
5.2.1 In case of Offline ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5-15
5.2.2 In case of Online ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5-17
5.2.3 In case of Reading Parameter stored in PLC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-19
5.2.4 How to Set-up Modules --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-20
5.2.5 Menu bar and shortcut of XG5000-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-21
Chapter 6 EIP Service
6.1 EtherNet/IP Communication Method ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-1
6.1.1 EtherNet/IP Terms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6-1
6.1.2 EDS File ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-1
6.1.3 Periodic Communication (Implicit) System ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-2
6.1.4 Aperiodic Communication (Explicit) System --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-4
6.2 EIP Service ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-7
6.3 Tag setup ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-8
6.3.1 XBC/XBM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6-8
6.3.2 XEC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6-9
6.3.3 Supported Device by Main Unit ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-10
6.4 Setup of Periodic/Non-periodic Communication Service -------------------------------------------------------------------------------6-11
6.4.1 Periodic Client Communication Service -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6-11
6.4.2 Set-up of Aperiodic Client Communication Service --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-18
6.4.3 Periodic Server Communication Service ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-20
6.4.4Aperiodic Server Communication Service --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-22
6.4.5 Tag naming rule for aperiodic communication services------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6-22
6.5 Examples -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-25
6.5.1 Communication with Rockwell 1756-ENBT Communication Module ---------------------------------------------------- 6-25
Chapter 7 Diagnosis Function
7.1 System Diagnosis ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-1
7.2 System Diagnosis Items and Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-2
7.3 Troubleshooting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-8
7.3.1 Check-out through LED in Communication Module ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-8
7.3.2 Check out of Module Errors through XG5000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7-9
7.3.3 Check-out on Module Errors through System Log ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-10
7.4 Remote Communication control---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-12
7.4.1 Introduction--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-12
7.4.2 Setting and Connection----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-13
A.1 Terms ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A-1
A.2 Flag List -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A-5
A.2.1 Special Relay (F) List ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A-5
A.2.2 Network Register (N) List---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A-11
A. 3 External Dimension -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A-12
A.4 Action when changing OS version from V1.x to V2.0--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A-13
Chapter 1 Overview
Chapter 1 Overview
1.1 Overview
This user guide is made out to describe EtherNet/IP I/F module (Referred to as “EIP Module”) among XGB PLC system
networks. EtherNet/IP is the protocols where Common Industrial Protocol (CIP: industrial protocols used in common, such
as Device Net, ControlNet, CompoNet, etc) has been laid on an upper layer of open protocol Ethernet. Thus, EtherNet/IP
allows DeviceNet, ControlNet, and CompoNet developers to secure the interoperability between multi-band and lower network
devices by applying the same objects and profiles. EIP module provides two Ethernet Ports (Ethernet Port) and the switch
function required for the existing STAR system is built in and it is the module for transmitting data between PCCs or
between PLC and EtherNet/IP I/F IO module.
To use the communication service by Tag, the following version is necessary.
1) XBL-EIPT: V2.0 or above
2) XBC Series: SU(V1.90 or above), H(V2.80 or above), U(V1.70 or above)
3) XEC Series: SU(V1.80 or above), H(V2.20 or above), U(V1.70 or above)
4) XBM Series: S(V3.80 or above), H(V1.10 or above)
5) XG5000 Software: V4.21 or above
Chapter 1 Overview
1.2 Features
XGB EtherNet/IP I/F Module have the following features.
(1) Communication Methods: Extensive Client Messaging Support
▶Encapsulated Messages, UCMM Explicit Messaging
▶Class 3 Connected Explicit Messaging(Server Only)
▶Class 1 Connected Implicit(IO) Messaging(Cyclic I/O Service Only)
(2) Compatibility: XGT EtherNet/IP I/F meet EtherNet/IP Conformance Test Suite Version 2.10
(3) 100BASE-TX media is provided and 100Mbps/ (Full Duplex) are supported.
(4) It is possible to be equipped with 24 units per CPU and installation to basic base and extension base is available.
However, only installation to base is possible in XGR system. .
(5) With the built - in switch, there is no need to install a separate switch and hub and wiring is saved and flexibility in
installation is provided.
(6) As Auto Cross Over- function is provided, cabling job is convenient.
(7)A variety of diagnose functions, the states information of modules and networks are provided.
▶The state of a communication module
▶The state of a communication service(EIP, Non-circular server)
▶ Auto Scan-function providing an information of own corporation’s and other corporations’ modules
connected into network
▶The kinds of packets and the quantity of data received by communication module (Network load – prediction
is available)
▶The diagnosis function through network is available
Chapter 1 Overview
1.3 Product Components
1.3.1 Indication of Type Names
Components of XGB EtherNet/IP I/F module product are described.
Type Name Components Remarks
XBL-EIPT Electric 2 –port EtherNet/IP Module More than category 5
Chapter 1 Overview
1.4 Software for Using Products
The following explains main programming tools and other production software for using EIP module. For more exact
application of programs and communication, refer to the contents below and apply it to systems.
1.4.1 Confirms for Software
Segment Component Products Communication Set-up Tool
XBL-EIPT Communication Module for XGB XG5000
1) To use the above program, download from the current website you are visiting. In case you can not use the
internet, visit near agencies and ask for CD-ROM for installation.
Internet Web - address: http://www.lselectric.co.kr
2) To program XG5000, use RS-232C port and USB of CPU module. For cable, refer to the XGB catalogue.
(USB-301A, PMC-310S)
1.4.2 XG5000
XG5000 is the software for dedicatedly using all communication modules including Ethernet/IP I/F module for basic
parameter set-up, frame make-up, module and network diagnosis.
The following illustration shows the initial screen of XG5000.
[Figure 1.4.1] XG5000 – Initial Screen
Chapter 1 Overview
1.4.3 Confirmation of Versions
Check out the version of the module before using XGB EtherNet/IP I/F.
1) Confirmation through XG5000
To read the information of a communication module, access to the communication module.
If interface is normally maintained with CPU, the information like the following illustration can be got.
(1) Execute XG5000
(2) Connect with CPU via access through [Online]-[Connect] on menu.
(3) When connected with CPU, execute the diagnosis of XG5000.
(4) Locate the mouse to the communication module in system diagnosis screen of online menu.
(5) Double-click the communication module or click right button of mouse and select Detailed Module Information.
[Figure 1.4.2] Confirmation of Versions through XG5000
2) Confirmation of Versions through Case Label of Products
In each module, the information of the module product is attached to the exterior case.
In case there is no connector with PC and it is impossible to check out online, confirmation is available after you
remove the module in case. The label attached to the backside of a product and the type name and the version
information is marked.
Chapter 1 Overview
1.5 Compatibility by OS version of XGB EtherNet/IP I/F module
XGB EtherNet/IP I/F module changed from OS V2.0 to Tag communication. To use the communication service by Tag,
refer to the following description.
1.5.1 Version information available with communication service by Tag
1) XBL-EIPT: V2.0, EDS: Ver2.10
2) XG5000: V4.21 XG5000 Software: V4.21 or above
3) XBC Series: SU(V1.90 or above), H(V2.80 or above), U(V1.70 or above)
4) XEC Series: SU(V1.80 or above), H(V2.20 or above), U(V1.70 or above)
5) XBM Series: S(V3.80 or above), H(V1.10 or above)
1.5.2 Operation compatibility according to O/S version
Communication Service
O/S version
Client Server
Implicit message
V2.0 V1.x O
V1.x V2.0 O
Explicit message (Tag Read/Write)*2)
V2.0 V1.x X*1)
V1.x V2.0 O
Explicit message (Read/Write)*2)
V2.0 V1.x O
V1.x V2.0 O
*1) V1.x supports only Multiple Server and V2.0 supports only Single Client
*2) Explicit message (Tag Read/Write): Select this to read/write the Tag registered to the external device.
Explicit message (Read/Write): Select this to read / write the CIP Object of the external device.
It should know service code, class, Instance, and Attribute of CIP Object.
If you are upgrading the OS of XGB EtherNet/IP I/F module from V1.x to V2.0 or replacing V1.x product with V2.0
product, please refer to [A.4 Action when changing OS version from V1.x to V2.0].
<V1.x> <V2.0>
Chapter 2 Specification


Chapter 2 Specification
2.1 General Specification
The general specification of XGT series is as follows.
No. Items Specifications Related standards
0 ~ 55 °C
2 Storage
temperature −25 ~ +70 °C
3 Ambient
humidity 5 ~ 95%RH(Non-condensing)
4 Storage humidity 5 ~ 95%RH(Non-condensing)
Occasional vibration -
Frequency Acceleration Amplitude How many times
5≤f< 8.4㎐ - 3.5mm
10 times each
(X, Y and Z)
8.4≤f≤150㎐ 9.8㎨ -
Continuous vibration
Frequency Acceleration Amplitude
5≤f< 8.4㎐ - 1.75mm
8.4≤f≤150㎐ 4.9㎨(0.5G) -
•Peakacceleration: 147 m/s2
•Duration: 11ms
•Half-sine, 3 times each direction per each axis
7 Noise resistance
Square wave
Impulse noise
AC: ±1,500 V
DC: ±900 V LSELECTRICstandard
Electrostatic discharge 4kV (Contact discharge)
Radiated electromagnetic field noise 80 ~ 1,000 MHz, 10V/m IEC61131-2,
Fast transient/bust
Segment Power supply
Digital/analog input/output
communication interface IEC61131-2
Voltage 2kV 1kV
8 Environment Free from corrosive gasses and excessive dust
9 Altitude Up to 2,000 m
degree Less than equal to 2
11 Cooling Air-cooling
1) IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission):
An international nongovernmental organization which promotes internationally cooperated standardization in
electric/electronic field, publishes international standards and manages applicable estimation system related with.
2) Pollution degree:
An index indicating pollution degree of the operating environment which decides insulation performance of the devices. For instance, Pollution
degree 2 indicates the state generally that only non-conductive pollution occurs. However, this state contains temporary conduction due to dew
Chapter 2 Overview
2.2 Performance Specification
The following table describes the specification of system configuration in accordance with EtherNet/IP I/F module’s media.
When you configure systems, refer to the below table.
Item Standard
Transmission Speed 100Mbps
Transmission Method Base Band
Maximum Extension Distance
between Nodes
Communication Zone Excess
Frame Error – Checking
CRC 32 = X32 + X26 + X23+ ,,,,,+ X2 + X+ 1
Topology Line , Star
Diagnosis Function
Module Information , Service State , Media Information ,
Auto Scan, Ping Test
Periodic Cline t Implicit IO Client
Aperiodic Client UCMM Client
Periodic Server Implicit IO Server
The Number of
TCP 16/32
CIP(IO Communication) 32/64
The Number of Maximum Services (P2P count) 2
The Number of Maximum Installments 2
Max. setting data
size per block
Periodic client 500 byte
Aperiodic client 512 byte
Media UTP/STP Category 5
Basic Standards
Dimension (mm) 90(H) X 27(W) X 60(D)
Consumption Current (mA) 290
Weight (g) 102
Chapter 2 Specification


2.3 Name of Each Part
The name in each module is as follows.
[Figure 2.3.1] The Front View for Module PLC
▶ LED Names and Contents
Silk Mark LED State Contents
RUN ON Power -on and Process normally operating
OFF Power –off and Process abnormally operating
I/F OFF I/F operating normally with CPU
Flicker/OFF I/F operating abnormally with CPU
P2P ON In case of stetting up P2P Service
OFF In case of canceling P2P Service
PADT ON XG5000 being connected via remote control
OFF XG5000 remote connection has been released
SVR ON When exterior client has been connected, Light ON
OFF When there is no exterior client connection, Light OFF
Green Light ON When normal operating
Green Light flickers When configuration for device is not over
Red Light flickers In case of wrong set-up or restorable errors happened
Red Light ON When errors which are impossible to restore have been made
Red Green Light flickers When self-diagnosis is proceeding
Green Light flickers When there is no connection of a device
Green Light ON When there is connection more than 1 with a device at least
Red Light flickers When Timeout with a device more than 1 unit happened
Red Light ON When repeated IP address has been detected
Red / Green Light
flickers When self-diagnosis is preceding
n ACT Flicker In case of frame – transmitted and received (n=1,2)
n LNK ON When network link has been formed (n=1,2)
OFF When network link has not been formed (n=1,2)
LED Display
IP Set-up Switch
LOG Switch
Connector 1
Connector 2
Chapter 2 Overview
▶ Log Switch
In case of reading Log in communication module and needing to store the Log, if you push it for more than 1 second, it is
stored into Flash area from Memory area. The Log in the memory area is the one erased when power is supplied again
and the Log in Flash area is the one which is maintained when power is supplied again.
▶ IP Set-up Switch (1~90, 94~99)
When IP address has not been inserted via XG5000 within 10 seconds after power was supplied, IP is set up as
‘192.168.250.switch value’.
▶IP Set-up Switch (91, 92, 93)
This switch is designed for setting up the inside of communication. If you change it arbitrary, it may cause problems.
▶IP Set-up Switch (99)
This switch functions to configure the system into a ring form and when set-up is not finished, normal operation is
impossible. It is possible to form a ring system in terms of appearance by supporting 2 connectors but actual ring system
is not supported.
Chapter 2 Specification


2.4 Cable Standards
2.4.1 UTP Cable
UTP cable is classified into the 3 types according to the following standards.
▶With or without Shield: 3 Types (UTP, FTP, STP)
▶Used - frequency Band: 7 Categories (Category 1 ~ Category 7)
▶Inflammable Grade: 4 Grades (CMX, CM, CMR, CMP)
1) Kinds of Cables with or without Shield
Classification Details Use
UTP(or U.UTP) Unshielded Cables for High Speed – Signals Maximum 200MHz
Voice +Information (Data)+ Low grade Video Signal
1 Layer Shield, Cable Core only shielded
* Shield Materials: AL/Plastic Complex Foil
Or Copper Braid
Maximum 100MHz
Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI) and Electric Stability
is considered
Voice + Information (Data) + Low grade Video Signal
Dual - shielded Construction, Pair Shielded Cables or
Core Shielded Cables
* Pair - shielded Materials : AL/Plastic Complex Foil
* Core - shielded Materials : AL/Plastic Complex Foil or
Copper Braid
Maximum 500MHz
Voice + Information (Data)+ Video Signal
An Alternative to 75Ω – Coaxial Cable
1) UTP : Unshielded Twisted Paired Copper Cable
FTP : (Overall) Foiled Twisted Paired Copper Cable
STP : (Overall) Shielded(and Shielded Individually Pair)Twisted Paired Copper Cable
2) Patch Cable(or Patch Cord)
Instead of Solid Conductors, Stranded Conductors may be used for the purpose of improving the Flexibility of a UTP
4Pair Cable. The materials and sizes of strands used are regulated in accordance with UL444, and representative sizes
and materials are Un-coated AWG 24 (7/0203A).
In other words, diameter of unshielded wire is 0.203mm and wires are stranded in 1+6 structure. The materials are
annealed coopers.
Chapter 2 Overview
2) Classification by Frequencies used
Classification Frequency used (MHz) Transmission
Speed(Mbps) Uses
Category 1 Voice Frequency 1 Telephone Network (2 Pair)
Category 2 4 4 Multi- Pair Communication Cable
Category 3 16 16 Telephone Network + Computation
Category 4 20 20
1) Computation Network – Transmission
Speed Up
2)Low-loss Communication Cable
Category 5 and
Category 5
100 100
1)Digital Telephone Network +
Computation Network
2)Low Loss, Wideband Cable
1) The classification currently applied at home and abroad is Category 3, 5, Enhanced Category 5, and Category
6. Category 4 is not now used as Category 5 appears. Category 7 is in STP structure and it is at a
development stage over the world.
3) Classification by Non-flammable Grades(Base on ULCertification )
Segment Induced
Calorie Induced Time Combustion
Regulation Remarks
CMP 88(kW) 20 minutes Less than
73m/min Regulated
• For Installing ceilings without duct
• Plenum Cable
• UL 910 (Plenum Test)
CMR 150(kW) 30 minutes Less than
• Vertical Installation Type
• Non-Plenum Cable
• UL 1666(Riser Test)
CM 21(kW) 20 minutes Less than
• General Type
• Non-Plenum Cable
• UL 1581(VTFT Test)
CMX 1(kW) 1 minute
Less than
• Restrictive Use
• Non-Plenum Cable
• UL 1581 (VW-1 Test)
1) CMG is located in the middle grade between CM and CMR, but generally it is not applied to LAN Cable
such as UTP Cable.
Example) CMG: CAS FT4 (VTFT Test), similar to CM of UL 1581.
→Burner Angle (Horizontality → 45 degree – Upward) and Sample Conditions (1/2 interval arrangement
→A Bundle of 6 ones x 6 units) are different.
Chapter 2 Specification


4) An Example (CTP-LAN5) of Category - 5 Twisted Pair Cable(UTP)
Items Units Values
Conductor Resistance
(Maximum) Ω/km 93.5
Insulation Resistance
(Minimum) MΩ/km 2500
Anti- voltage V/minute AC 500
Impedance Ω(1~100MHz) 100 ± 15
Attenuation Less than dB/100m
10MHz 6.5
16MHz 8.2
20MHz 9.3
Near End Cross-talk
Attenuation Less than dB/100m
10MHz 47
16MHz 44
20MHz 42
Chapter 3 Installation and Trial-Run

Chapter 3 Installation and Trial- Run
3.1 Installation Environment
This product is very reliable regardless of installation environments, but to guaranty the reliability and stability of the system,
pay attention to the following items.
1) Environment Conditions
(1) Install in the control board where waterproof and dustproof are possible.
(2) The places where constant impacts or vibrations are imposed.
(3) The places where direct rays are not directly exposed .
(4) The places where dew is not formed by the rapid change in temperature.
(5) The places where surrounding temperature is maintained to be at 0-55℃.
2) Installation Constructions
(1) Make sure wiring leavings are not inserted inside the PLC when you process screw holes or do wiring jobs.
(2) Install the places where it is easy to control.
(3) Do not install into the same panel as high press machine.
(4) Make sure the distance to the duct and the surrounding module is maintained to be more than 50㎜.
(5) Put to earth where surrounding noise environment is good.
Over 100mm
Over 50mm
Over 50mm
Chapter 3 Installation and Trial-Run

3.2 Cautions when Handling
Observe the following directions when you configure the system using EtherNet/IP I/F module.
1) Do not drop or impose strong impact.
2) Do not separate PCB from the case. It may cause malfunctions.
3) Make sure foreign objects are not put into the upper area of the module while you do wiring jobs.
4) If foreign objects are entered, remove them.
5) Do not remove the module when light is ON.
6) Use standard cables and install within maximum distance.
7) Make sure communication lines are not affected by surges and inductive noises that may occur from alternating
current or current parts.
8) In case the machinery or the substances that may generate high temperature are nearby you or when wires directly
come into contact oil and other things for a long time when you do wiring jobs, it may cause a short cut, damage, or
9) When you do wirings during pipe arrangement, it is necessary to put to earth to pipes.
Chapter 3 Installation and Trial-Run

3.3 The Order for Setting up Products till Running
The following describes the order of installing or setting up products. Install the system and setting up the parameter so that
they can operate in order.

● Check out the sizes and standards to be used
● Install the module to the base
● Check out the location of the base and the slot
● Check out the LED state of a communication module after power is authorized. (RUN:
● Connect to CPU using XG5000
● Carry out “I/O Sync” in XG5000
● The module appears in project window after executing “I/O Sync”
● Set up the basic parameter
▶IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway
● Install the necessary EDS file
● Set up EIP parameter
▶Channels, Functions, Starting Conditions, Data Sizes and Areas, Types
● Execute “Write Parameter” and “Enable Link”
● Execute EIP communication
Chapter 3 Installation and Trial-Run

3.4 Available device area
Available device areas for each basic unit are as follows
CPU type Area Range
(word) Reference
P0~P127 128 Read/Write/Monitor available, XBMS
P0~P1023 1024 Read/Write/Monitor available, XBCH, XBCS, XBMH
P0~P2047 2048 Read/Write/Monitor available, XBCU
M0~M255 256 Read/Write/Monitor available, XBMS
M0~M1023 1024 Read/Write/Monitor available, XBCH , XBCS, XBMH
M0~M2047 2048 Read/Write/Monitor available, XBCU
K0~K2559 2560 Read/Write/Monitor available, XBMS
K0~K4095 4096 Read/Write/Monitor available, XBCH , XBCS, XBMH
K0~K8191 8192 Read/Write/Monitor available, XBCU
F0~F255 256 Read/ Monitor available, XBMS
F0~F1023 1024 Read/ Monitor available, XBCH, XBCS, XBMH
F0~F2047 2048 Read/ Monitor available, XBCU
T0~T255 16 Read/Write/Monitor available, XBMS
T0~T1023 64 Read/Write/Monitor available, XBCH, XBCS, XBMH
T0~T2047 128 Read/Write/Monitor available, XBCU
C0~C255 16 Read/Write/Monitor available, XBMS
C0~C1023 64 Read/Write/Monitor available, XBCH, XBCS, XBMH
C0~C2047 128 Read/Write/Monitor available, XBCU
L0~L1279 1280 Read/Write/Monitor available, XBMS
L0~L2047 2048 Read/Write/Monitor available, XBCH, XBCS
L0~L4095 4096 Read/Write/Monitor available, XBCU, XBMH
N0~N3935 3936 Read/Write/Monitor available, XBMS
N0~N5119 5120 Read/Write/Monitor available, XBCH
N0~N10239 10240 Read/Write/Monitor available, XBCU, XBMH
D0~D5119 5120 Read/Write/Monitor available, XBMS
D0~D10239 10240 Read/Write/Monitor available, XBCH, XBCS, XBMH
D0~D19999 20000 Read/Write/Monitor available, XBCU
Chapter 3 Installation and Trial-Run

U0~U255 256 Monitor available, XBMS
U0~U351 352 Monitor available, XBCH , XBCS
U0~U383 384 Monitor available, XBCU
Z Z0~Z127 128 Read/Write/Monitor available
R0~R10239 10240 Read/Write/Monitor available, XBCH , XBCS
R0~R16383 16384 Read/Write/Monitor available, XBCU
I IW0.0.0~IW15.15.3 1024 Read/Write/Monitor available
Q QW0.0.0~QW15.15.3 1024 Read/Write/Monitor available
MW0~MW8191 8192 Read/Write/Monitor available, XECH, XECS
MW0~MW16383 16384 Read/Write/Monitor available, XECU
RW0~RW10239 10240 Read/Write/Monitor available, XECH, XECS
RW0~RW16383 16384 Read/Write/Monitor available, XECU
WW0~WW10239 10240 Read/Write/Monitor available, XECH, XECS
WW0~WW32767 32768 Read/Write/Monitor available, XECU
UW0.0.0~UW0.11.31 384 Monitor available, XECU
UW0.0.0~UW0.15.31 512 Monitor available, XECH, XECS
1) F Device: Writeable address is F220 or later.
2) In case of XBL-EIPT V2.0 or later: XEC type can only use I, Q, M, R, and W devices as EIP variable in global variable.
3) T / C is a timer / counter device. Bit designation means contact value and Word designation means current value.
4) XBMS, XBMH type does not support R device.
5) In U device, the address of bit area is hexadecimal (Hex) value and the address of word area is decimal value.
Chapter 3 Installation and Trial-Run

3.5 Installation of Products
3.5.1 Installation of XBL-EIPT
[Figure 3.6.1] How to Install 100BASE-TX
The maximum segment distance of 100BASE-TX reaches 100m. (The distance between modules)
Straight cables and cross cables are used.
If a cross cable is used when connected between these communication modules, the time for connecting links can be
This module doesn’t support a ring system.
When configuring a ring form, IP address switch of a module – front view must be set up at ’99.’
Then, a ring system is formed in external aspect, but the service for a ring system will not be supported.
If IP address switch is not set up at 99’after formed in a ring, data burst may happen and modules can not execute
normal actions.
Pin NO. Signal Straight Cable between
1:1 Cross Cable
1 TD+ 1-1 1-3
2 TD - 2-2 2-6
3 RD+ 3-3 3-1
6 RD- 6-6 6-2
4,5,7,8 Not used - -
1) 100BASE-TX cable is designed to be weak in cable structure, so only if cables are twisted (Two
wires are stranded) after No.1 (TD+) and No. 2 (TD-) wires are twisted and No. 3 and No. 6 are
twisted with each other. wiring will be strong in strength.
2) For cable terminal treatment and manufacture, consult with professional providers to install
8 Pin - RJ45 Plug
Twist Pair Cable
Chapter 3 Installation and Trial-Run

1) How to Install UTP
(1) For reliable transmission of 100Mbps signal using UTP cables, Patch Cord, Line Cord, Patch Panel, DVO(Data
Voice Outlet), etc must meet 5 spec (Category 5 Spec.- EIA/TIA-568A).
(2) Make sure the length of patch code will be over 7m in cross-connect, If the length exceeds 7m, the length
corresponding to 90m, as much as the allowable value in Horizontal Distribution System, must be deducted.
(3) Make sure the length of line cord does not exceed 3m in line cord length. If the length exceeds 3m, as much as
the length corresponding to 90m, the allowable value in Horizontal Distribution System, must be deducted.
(4) Make sure the loose of paired pitch of UIP cable in case of disconnection to patch panel and DVD does not
exceed the following dimension.
(5) Maximum Paired Pitch – Loose : Category 5 : 13mm, Category 3 : 26mm
(6) Use jumper wires in DC cross-connect system. Then, also the loose of paired pitch must not exceed the above
standards. Especially, in case of seriously bending cables, pay attention so that damage or separation between
pairs does not happen.
(7) Maximum Curvature Diameter : 4 Pair Cable : 4 times the Diameter
Cable more than 25 Pair: 10 times the Diameter
(8) Make sure the maximum tensile force while using does not exceed 110N (11.3Kgf) based on 4 Pair
(9) Make sure jumper cables and patch codes are loosely disconnected. When tightly connected, the features of
category 5 may lower. When using Tie-wrap, make sure cables are not stressed.
(10) Make sure proper distance is maintained between EMI source and UTP cable when installing cables.
The proper distance in each case is as follows.
Minimum Separation Distance
Less than
2.5 KVA
More than
In case unshielded power lines or electric facilities are open
and are in the state of being closely located nearby nonmetal pipes
127mm 305mm 610mm
In case unshielded power lines or electric facilities are in the
state of being located nearby buried metal pipes
64mm 152mm 305mm
In case buried metal pipes the power line (or the same
shields)are in the state of being located nearby buried metal
- 76mm 152mm
1) In case voltage reaches 480V and electric power source reaches more than 5KVA, separated calculation is required.
Chapter 3 Installation and Trial-Run

3.6 Trial- Run
3.6.1 Directions when Configuring Systems
1) To use P2P service including this module, make sure IP Addresses of all stations are different from IP addresses of
all other stations.
2) To use communication cables, select the ones in designated sizes. Using cables that have not been designated
may cause serious communication obstacles.
3) Check out whether cables are disconnected or short-circuited before installing communication cables.
4) Completely tighten the connectors of communication cables so that cable connections can be fixed.
5) Incomplete cable connections may cause serious obstacles to communication.
6) In case of connecting communication cables to a long distance, make sure cables are not separated from power
lines or inductive noises.
7) Coaxial cables are low in flexibility, so they must be re-branched lowering down at least more than 30 cm from the
connector in communication module, and if cables are bent on the square and forcibly transformed, it may cause the
destruction of the connector located in the communication module.
8) In case LED does not normally operate, refer to ‘Chapter 10 Troubleshooting’ and check out causes. If something
is wrong even if actions have been taken, contact Warranty Service Center.
Chapter 4 System Configuration
Chapter 4 System Configuration
XGB EtherNet/IP I/F modules can be installed on the XBC CPU modules. The number of maximum installments reaches 2 .
It is possible for the communication system using this module to be applied to a variety of configurations. This chapter
describes the examples of the cases when system configuration is available and unavailable by applications.
4.1 Configuration of a Usable System
4.1.1 System Configuration using a Switch
4.1.2 System Configuration not using a Switch
Chapter 4 System Configuration
4.2 Configuration of an unusable System
4.2.1 System Configuration using a Switch
It is impossible for EtherNet/IP I/F module to normally operate as data burst happens when each module is connected
to each switch of 2 communication ports.
4.2.2 Configuration of a Ring System (Configuration of a XBL-EIPT Ring)
EtherNet/IP I/F does not support a ring system. When you configure a ring form, it is necessary to set up the IP
address switch of the module – front view at ’99.’ Then, it is configured into a ring system in external aspect, but the
service on an actual ring system is not supported. In case IP address switch is not set up at NO. ‘99’ after configured
into a ring, data burst happens and the module does not normally execute operations.
Chapter 5 Installation of Software and Communcation Parameters
Chapter 5 Installation of Software and Communication Parameters
5.1 Installation and Execution of Software
To use software XG5000, it is necessary to install XG5000. Then, XBL-EIPT V1.x should use XG5000 V3.1 or later, XBLEIPT V2.0 or later should use XG5000 V4.21 or later. The requirements for system needed to execute are as follows.
1) PC and Memory: It is necessary to need a computer with more than 128MB memory and the memory with more
than 512MB is recommended.
2) Communication Port: RS-232C serial port or USB port are required.
3) Hard Disk: The area where more than 200MB is possible to use is required.
4) Mouse:A mouse that can be connected with a computer is required.
5) Monitor: The resolution must reach more than 1024 X 768.
6) Window: It is possible to execute in Window 2000/XP/VISTA. However, if several applications including other
products are executed, XG5000 can be on the blitz due to the restriction to using memories.
5.1.1 Installation of XG5000
1) Execute the installation file.
2) InstallShield Wizard prepares for installation as follows.
Chapter 5 Installation of Software and Communication Parameters

3) Click [Next] button.
4) Insert a company’s name and press [Next] button.
5) Designate the folder that XG5000 will be installed. If you want to change the folder, click [Browse] and enter or
select new folder. As XG5000 needs installation space of 500MByte, select the disk with enough room. If the
installation room is not enough, warning message is on and thus, it is impossible to proceed to next step.
6) If you have selected a folder, press [Next] button.
Chapter 5 Installation of Software and Communcation Parameters
7) Check out the installation path and press [Next] button. Install as follows.
XG5000 USB device drive install screen appears while installing, and soon, installation is completed as follows.
Chapter 5 Installation of Software and Communication Parameters
5.1.2 Installation of USB Device Drive
When you install XG5000 into Window XP for the first time, install USB Device Drive additionally. Even if USB is not
connected, install USB device drive as follows.
However, in Window 2000, USB device drive is automatically installed when XG5000 is installed, and in Window XP, install it
1) Check out whether there are driver folders in the folder XG5000 has been installed into. In Drivers folder, there are
two drive files - GmUSBD.sys, GmUSBD.inf. If there is no folder or drive file, install XG5000 again.
2) Turn on PLC power and connect USB connector to PC. When connected, new hardware search Wizard Dialogue
Box appears
3) Order a user to install the device drive.
4) Select [Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)] of the options in new hardware search wizard dialogue box
and press [Next] button.
Chapter 5 Installation of Software and Communcation Parameters
5) Select [Search for the best driver in these locations] of drive search options and check out [Include this location in the

6) Press [Browse] button
Select Drivers Folder where XG5000 has been installed in “Browse for Folder”
Chapter 5 Installation of Software and Communication Parameters
7) Press [Ok] button. The computer searches for the folder you selected.
8) If the computer selects the most suitable device drive, it will ask to install the device driver selected. As USB device driver
stably operates in Window operating system, press the button [Continue].
9) The completion of a device driver is completed; the dialogue box for installation like this appears. If you press
[Finish] button, driver installation is terminated.
Chapter 5 Installation of Software and Communcation Parameters
5.1.3 Confirmation on the Installation of USB Device Driver
If USB is not connected, confirm the installation of device driver as follows.
(1) Click the right button in [My Computer] on the desktop and select menu [Manage].
1) The computer management dialogue box appears like this. In the left tree list of the dialogue box, extension
proceeds in this order - [Computer Management (Local)] - [System Tool] - [Device Manager].
2) The items appearing in the list can differently come out with each other according to the devices installed in the
Chapter 5 Installation of Software and Communication Parameters
(1) In case of normal state
If the list [LS ELECTRIC XGSeries] located in the lower of [Universal Serial Bus controllers] appears, the device
driver has been normally installed.
(2) In case of abnormal state
The following illustration appears, it is the case the device drive has not normally been installed.
In case of not normally installed, reinstall according to the following order.
(3) Click the right button in the device driver where “Exclamation Mark” appears.
(4) Select Menu [Update Driver]
Chapter 5 Installation of Software and Communcation Parameters
(5) Hardware Update Wizard Dialogue Box appears. Select Option [Install from a list or specific location
(Advanced)] List and press next button. The following procedures are manual and are the same to the installation
of the device driver.
Chapter 5 Installation of Software and Communication Parameters
If not installed, reinstall according to the following order.
(1) In case a device driver has been wrongly installed or is problematic, execute Hardware Update Wizard Start.
(2) Select Option [Installation from a List or a specific location (Advanced)] List and press next button.
(3) On search and installation options, select [Don’t Search. I will choose the driver to install.] and click [Next].
Chapter 5 Installation of Software and Communcation Parameters
(4) Click [Have Disk…] on the Dialog Box below.
(5) If Installation Dialogue Box appears from the disc appears, press button [Browse.]
Chapter 5 Installation of Software and Communication Parameters
(6) Move to the folder File XG5000 has been installed from File Search Dialogue Box. If drivers fold selected,
GmUSBD.inf file appears. Select this file and press button [Open.].
(7)The directory with device driver files appears on the location of the manufacture’s file. Press button [Ok.].
Chapter 5 Installation of Software and Communcation Parameters
(8) On the compatible H/W display list of the device driver Select Dialog Box, select “LS ELECTRIC XGSeries”
driver and then click [Next] button.
(9)The Dialogue Box for Hardware Installation appears. Press button [Continue] and proceed with installation.
Chapter 5 Installation of Software and Communication Parameters
(10)Dialogue Box for Hardware Update Wizard Completed appears. Press button [Finish] and complete the
installation of device drive.
Chapter 5 Installation of Software and Communcation Parameters
5.2 How to Register Communication Modules
To use Ethernet/IP I/F module, communication parameter must be made up in XG5000 and to set up the system on
Ethernet/IPI/F module, the module must be registered to XG5000.
How to register Ethernet/IPI/F module located at discretion is as follows in accordance with the state of on/off line.
5.2.1 In case of Offline
This is the way used in setting up communication modules and making up communication related parameters in the
state of not connected with PLC. The execution method is as follows.
1) After execute XG5000, select [Project]  [New Project ] or click ( ).
2) Create the projects that you will store in the project name, and select the names of the projects to be stored and the
CPU types of PLC that you selected.
3) If you register a communication module without connected to PLC, Use a “Communication module setting” window.
If Ethernet/IP is to be registered on base 0 and slot 1, Set it in the following procedure at a project Window.
a) Right click [unspecified Network] -> [add item] -> [Communication module]
[Fig 5.2.4] Select communication module menu
b) Click [Select communication module] -> [Add module]
Chapter 5 Installation of Software and Communication Parameters
[Fig 5.2.5] Add module
c) [Communication module settings] -> select module type, base, slot
[Fig. 5.2.6] Communication module setting
Ethernet/IP module is registered on Slot 1 of Base 0 is as shown below;
[Fig. 5.2.7] Manually register communication module
Chapter 5 Installation of Software and Communcation Parameters
5.2.2 In case of Online
To register the communication module in online state, using XG5000, the methods in NO. 1 and NO. 2 are the same
as the one in registering modules of EtherNet/IP in offline state. The execution order afterwards is as follows.
1) If not connected, check out the state of connection with PLC or select [Online ]-> [Connection Set-up], or select the
connection method by clicking icon . As a connection method, there is a method using RS-232C, a method
using USB cables, and a method using Ethernet module and EtherNet/IP module. As a connection method, select
Local in case of directly connecting with PLC. The remote connection steps will be described in 7.4 remote
2) When normally connected, the lower menus of online menus are activated.
3) To check out the modules installed to the current main unit, select [Online]  [Diagnosis]  [I/O information…],
communication modules existing in the main unit are automatically searched for and the information of installation
modules appears on the project window. In case the module registered in offline state are different from the
information of PLC currently connected or kinds of communication modules, check out whether they have
changed or not with the above message.

4) The list of the communication module installed to a product is created on “Project Window.”
Chapter 5 Installation of Software and Communication Parameters

Chapter 5 Installation of Software and Communcation Parameters
5.2.3 In case of Reading Parameter stored in PLC
The method for reading the basic set-up values for the communication module stored in PLC and for reading P2P setup values are in the below order.
1) Select [Project.]  [Open from PLC…] or click ( ).
2) It is possible to check out the basic set-up values and P2P set-up values stored in PLC.
Chapter 5 Installation of Software and Communication Parameters
5.2.4 How to Set-up Modules
To operate EtherNet/IP I/F modules, set up in the following order.
1) Execution Order
(1) Enter in the Project Window
Please refer to 5.2.1 In case of Offline.
(2) I/O Information – Read
Please refer to 5.2.2 In case of Online
2) Operation Check –out
(1) Select [Online] → [Communication module setting] → [System Diagnosis] or click icon ( ).
(2) Click the right button of the mouse in the module of the ‘System Diagnosis’ Window and check out whether
communication has been in normal state or not after clicking [Detailed Module Information…] or [Status By
Chapter 5 Installation of Software and Communcation Parameters
5.2.5 Menu bar and shortcut of XG5000
The following is menu bar and short cut of XG5000. (For other menus, refer to XG5000 User’s Manual)
Menu bar Menu Icon Contents
New Project Creates a new project.
Open Project Opens the existing project.
Open from PLC Uploads the project and program stored
in PLC.
Open KGLWIN File Opens the project file for KGLWIN.
Open GMWIN File Opens the project file for GMWIN.
Save Project Saves the project.
Save As - Saves the project as a different name.
Close Project Closes the project.
Save as Binary Saved as the binary file that cannot show
the details of the project.
Write Binary to PLC Writes the binary file with the PLC. You
cannot see the details of the project.
Add Item Adds a new item to the project.
Import Item from File Imports a item from a separated file.
Export to File Saves the selected items included
opened project as separated file.
Save Variable Names to
Saves variable names to file for using
other programs.
Save EtherNet/IP Tags to
Registers EtherNet/IP tag and saves the
established EtherNet/IP tag list to the file.
Compare Projects Compares two projects stored in PC and
displays its result.
Print Prints the active window’s details.
Preview - Previously displays the screen to be
Print Project - Selects the project item to print
Print Setup - Sets the printer options.
Undo Cancels the edit on Program Edit Window
to recovers its previous status.
Redo Recovers the edit cancelled above.
Cut Copies the selects block to clipboard and
deletes the block.
Copy Copies the selects block to the clipboard.
Paste Copies from the clipboard onto Edit
Delete Deletes the selected block or items.
Chapter 5 Installation of Software and Communication Parameters
Menu bar Menu Icon Contents
Connect/Disconnect Connects or disconnects with PLC.
Connect Settings Specifies the connection method.
Change Mode Changes PLC mode.
Read Reads parameter/program/comment from
Write Writes parameter/program/comment on PLC.
Compare with PLC Compares the project to the project saved in
Set Flash Memory - Shows the window for setting up the flash
Communication Module
Sets up Link-Enable and Upload/Download
Reset/Clear Reset the PLC or Clear all memory
Diagnosis Shows up the PLC information or history
Temperature control Executes the XG-TCON tool.
Position control Executes the XG-PM tool.
Address calculator Executes the address calculator.
Start simulator Starts the simulator.
ASCII Table Displays the ASCII code table.
Customize Users define tools, commands.
Options - Can change the XG5000’s environment for a
EDS Register or delete the EDS file used for
EtherNet/IP module
N Configurator Executes the N Configurator tool
Chapter 6 EIP Service
Chapter 6 EIP Service
6.1 EtherNet/IP Communication Method
The communicant methods of EtherNet/IP are divided into Implicit Communication Method and Explicit Communication
Method and each method is again divided into client and server function. In XGB EtherNet/IP IF module, Implicit
communication method is provided by periodic client /periodic server and explicit communication method is provided by
aperiodic client/aperiodic server.
The periodic client/server is similar to the high speed link of the existing XGT communication service, which is the service
used when data is transmitted and received periodically. The aperiodic client/server method is the communication method
used when particular events happen. In XGB EtherNet/IP I/F module these two services are incorporated into EIP service
and provided.
6.1.1 EtherNet/IP Terms
1) Implicit Messaging: Suggestive message, the message where the header information other than data has been
implicated to the minimum (In XGB EtherNet/IP I/F module the message is provided via client /periodic server
2) Explicit Messaging: Clear message, including all information that can translate frames besides data
(In XGB EtherNet/IP I/F module the message is provided via aperiodic client communication)
3) Client: The subject requiring information
4) Server: The subject that provides information at request
5) Producer: The entity that create producers, information
6) Consumer: The entity that receives consumer information and consumes it
7) Tag: Nameplate , Named Variable
8) EDS File: The abbreviation for Electric Data Sheets. The file where the information on the device and on the
communication set –up is recorded
9) RPI: The abbreviation for Requested Packet Interval, meaning the period when Packet will be sent
(In XGB EtherNet/IP I/F module, packet is provided at transmission period)
6.1.2 EDS File
Electrical Description Script (EDS) File is a description on devices and it includes the information about a product type
and connection, as well as Vendor ID. In EtherNet/IP I/F module it is the basic principle to set up using EDS File. To
install EDS Fie, EDS register menu of XG5000 should be set up.
Chapter 6 EIP Service
6.1.3 Periodic Communication (Implicit) System
Implicit Message provided in periodic communication in XGB EtherNet/IP I/F module means a suggestive and implied
message. As this message contains header information to the minimum except for the data in frame, it also refers to
the message which is impossible to see what data means. In addition, if we translate it in different way, this message
means that header information is small in quantity, so the process of translating the frame has been simplified and it is
possible to process data quickly. In EtherNet/IP, connection between client and server is set up with the parameter for
sending this data.
Client requires connection and it becomes the object that receives and consumes data, and sever comes to transmit
the said data in transmission period (Requested Packet Interval: RPI) and communication method (Unicast/Multicast)
like the way client wants Thus, client comes to set up consumed tag and server will set up produced tag (XGT
EtherNet/IP IF: Input Only Type).
[Figure 6.1] Client and Server in XGT EtherNet/IP I/F - Module Periodic Communication
Implicit Server is created also in Implicit Client. Server can set up timeout in the period that client grants according to types.
Using data that client provides, it is possible to output to his own module .
Chapter 6 EIP Service
Operating procedure of periodic communication is as follows.

Connection request

Connection request

Connection confirm



Disconnection request

Disconnection confirm
(ACK⑪ )
Destination port : 44818
Session register
Native Session ID
Receiving port: 44818


T2O, O2T
Connection ID

O2T IO Data
(O2T Connection ID)
Source port: 2222
Destination port:

T2O IO Data
(T2O Connection ID)
Source port: 2222
Destination port:
[Figure 6.2] Operating procedure of periodic communication
Chapter 6 EIP Service
6.1.4 Aperiodic Communication (Explicit) System
Explicit Message provided in aperiodic communication from XGB EtherNet/IP I/F module means clear and explicit
message. This message also means that all information which is possible to translate data to date frame. Thus, even
though it takes some time to translate frame, if the message we want is sent without the process of setting parameter,
frame is translated from server and the response is made.
In general it is utilized as monitoring data to aperiodic data rather than control data.
The following table shows the parameter items set up when XGB EtherNet/IP I/f module is used.
Set-up Items Set-up Scope
Set-up or Not
Periodic Remarks
- - O X X Drag & drop from EDS File
EIP Channel - 0-15 X O O Set up other’s IP
EIP Block Channel 0-15
Enter the channel you will use of set up
channels in EIP channel
Pursuant to
EIP Channel
O O O Automatically displayed in accordance
with set up channels
I/O Type Defined in
O X X Select I/O type defined in EDS
Point to Point
O X X Select one among connection types
defined in EDS
Function Write, Read,
Tag Read,
Tag Write
Select one among aperiodic clients
Parameter Parameter
item O X O
Set up the parameter defined in EDS
- In case of aperiodic client, only
read/write can be set up for read /write
Defined in
X X - Display the contents set up in the
Contact Point
X X O Set up mobile conditions
Period transmitting data
Timeout x4/8/16/32/64
Transmission Period x Timeout(x4/8/16
Data Type BIT,1/2/4/8
O O O Set up a data type
Tag Set- up/
Local Tag
PLC Device
The device area of the local axis where
“Write” or “Read” is executed you will
Tag Set- up/
Remote Tag
TAG name
O X O Designate Other’s TAG
Tag Setup/Size O O O
Periodic Client/Server : Maximum 500
Aperiodic Client : Maximum 512 Byte
Chapter 6 EIP Service
1) Data type: The data type is the same as above table for XBL-EIPT V1.x, and the same as the registered tag type for V2.0 or later.
The data size in V1.x is fixed at 1 for BIT and 2 BYTE in case of periodic server, but in V2.0 and above, size and type are the same as
registered tags.
2) Tag setting / Local tag: When XBL-EIPT V2.0 or later is used, tag name can be up to 38 characters for XBC/XBM and up to 46 characters
for XEC. This is the maximum number of variable names including the members of the structure.
3) Tag Setting / Remote Tag: In the channel where XBL-EIPT is set as explicit client, remote tag name can be set up to 40 characters for IEC
type and 32 characters for K type. Tag name can be up to 80 characters when operated as a aperiodic server.
Chapter 6 EIP Service
Operating procedure of aperiodic communication is as follows.

Connection request

Connection request

Connection confirm



Disconnection request

Disconnection confirm
(ACK⑩ )
Destination port :
Session register
Native Session ID
Receiving port: 44818


TAG read/write
TAG read/write
[Figure 6.3] Operating procedure of aperiodic communication
Chapter 6 EIP Service
6.2 EIP Service
EtherNet/IP is divided into a periodic message service (Implicit Service), and an aperiodic message service (Explicit
Service). In XBL-EIPT module these two services are incorporated to be provided as periodic/client server and aperiodic
In Periodic Client / Server Service, the tag for communication must be set up in parameter system. Thus, client and server
tag must be shared with information for communication when parameter is exchanged. In XGB EhterNet/IP I/F module,
client and server must be set up with XG5000. Make sure client is set up in periodic client and sever is set up with periodic
server. For the detail contents, see CH 6.3.
Aperiodic client service must be communicated after you put the tag to be communicated and communication set-up. Thus,
when required from client, server receives al information in frame and translates, and responds. In other words, it is the
service without setting up from server side.
In this part, EIP types and use methods provided to a user are described.
The flowing refers to the order for making up the program using EIP.
Chapter 6 EIP Service
6.3 Tag setup
6.3.1 XBC/XBM
For XBC/XBM, you can set up the tag in [Save EtherNet/IP Tags to File…] of the project menu. For more details, refer
to the below setup procedures.
1) [Projext]  [Save EtherNet/IP Tags to File…]
2) In the Setting EtherNet/IP variable window, set the EtherNet/IP variables via [New Variable]. Variable name (local
tag) length is maximum 38 characters. If you select [Save] button, you can save the set variable.
1) XG5000 does not provide a function to load saved tags.
Chapter 6 EIP Service
6.3.2 XEC
When you apply XEC, you can set up tags in the “global/direct variables” of XG5000 project and tick the checkbox of
EIP for setup. For more details, refer to the below setup procedures
1) [Project]  [Global/Direct Variables]
2) Declare the variable to be used as tag in XG5000. Variable name can be up to 46 characters, including the
members of the structure
3) Tick the EIP Check Box to be used in EtherNet/IP.
4) Save it as the [Project]  [Save Variable Names to Files…].
1) XG5000 does not provide a function to load saved tags.
Chapter 6 EIP Service
6.3.3 Supported Device by Main Unit
Supported Device XBC/XBM XEC
Chapter 6 EIP Service
6.4 Setup of Periodic/Non-periodic Communication Service
6.4.1 Periodic Client Communication Service
After setting the communication modules and basic parameters with XG5000, use the mouse to drag the EDS file of
the opposing station to be communicated and start setup
1) Basic Parameter Set - up and EDS Register
Order Set-up
Procedure How to Set up
1 Communication
Module Set-up
1) In Network Configuration, right click on the Unspecified Network and select "Add Item" -> "Communication
2) Click the "Add Module" button in the "Select Communication Module". Select XBL-EIPT as the type in the
communication module setting window and select the base and slot where XBL-EIPT is installed.
3) Double-click the communication module to set the basic parameters. At this time, if XBL-EIPT is Ver2.0 or
later, use tag should be checked.
Chapter 6 EIP Service
Order Set-up
Procedure How to Set up
2 EDS File
1) Register the EDS file of the communication module you want to set up.
2) Click ‘XG5000 -> EDS information window’
3) Right-click on the EDS information window and a pop-up menu will appear as shown below.
Select “Register EDS” and select the EDS file you want to register.
4) After completing the above procedures, you can see the registered EDS file in the EDS file information
If XBL-EIPT is Ver2.0 or later, use EDS Ver2.10. If XBL-EIPT is less than Ver2.0, use EDS Ver1.1.
Chapter 6 EIP Service
Order Set-up
Procedure How to Set up
3 EIP Service
1) Right-click on the XBL-EIPT module for which you want to configure the service and select "Add Item" -> "P2P
2) Select the P2P number in the P2P selection window.
3) P2P 02 is assigned to the XBL-EIPT module installed in slot 1
P2P 01 is allocated for built-in communication, P2P 02 for the first communication module and P2P 03 for the
second communication module. However, in the case of the main unit with built-in Ethernet, P2P 02 is
assigned to the built-in Ethernet, and P2P 03 and P2P 04 are assigned to the communication module,
respectively. Keep this in mind when setting.
Chapter 6 EIP Service
2) EIP Configuration and Parameter Set-up
Order Set – up
Procedure How to Set up
1) Drag the registered EDS file from the EDS information window and paste it to the EIP configuration window.
If the relative XBL-EIPT is V2.0 or higher, select Ver2.10 from the EDS information window and select Ver1.1 if it is V1.x.
2) The channel setup window will be displayed at the same time as pasting.
3) Set up the channel number and IPaddress in the setup window.
EIP Channel
1) After registration in EIP settings, it is possible to check out the information on channels in EIP channel window.
2) In periodic client communication, more set-up is not required, so the said channel becomes inactivated.
Chapter 6 EIP Service
Order Set-up
Procedure How to Set up
1) Enter the channel number set in the periodic client and select the I/O type and connection type.
2) Click the “Parameter” to change the Tag Size and Instance.
3) How to set the Tag of EIP block depends on XBL-EIPT version
(a) For XBL-EIPT V1.x
a) Write the device address in the local tag of the tag settings.
(b) For XBL-EIPT V2.0 or later
a) Double-click on the local tag of the tag setting and the "Select EtherNET / IP Tag" window will appear.
b) Double-click the tag to set it.
c) The type of the input local tag is displayed in the data type.
The following example shows how to set the tag size according to the tag type.
i) To input basic type tags such as TEST_0, TEST_1, TEST_2: Enter 1 in T2O Tag Size
ii) To input array type tags such as TEST_3: Enter the size of array in T2O Tag Size
iii) To input a specific index of a one-dimensional array type such as TEST_3 [1]: Enter 1 for T2O Tag Size.
iv) To input a specific index of a 3-dimensional array type such as TEST_4 [1,1,0]: Enter 1 in T2O Tag Size
Chapter 6 EIP Service
1) Channel: Drag the EDS file to display the set channel. If several channels are set, a user can select the desired channel
number to configure the block.
2) Operation mode: It is displayed depending on the set channel; displayed as periodic client, non-periodic client and periodic
3) I/O type: Indicates the name of the connection defined in the EDS file of the relevant device. The communication with the
server side will be opened based on the connection method set here.
4) Access mode: Sets up how to communicate with the server. The information supported depending on the module is
recorded in EDS and MULTICAST, Point To Point(UNICAST) may be available.
5) Parameters: Means the parameters of the server side that should be set by a user. For more details on parameters, refer to
the server manual.
▶ Input Only(ID): Data is provided in the T-> O direction and heartbeat is provided in the O-> T direction.
▶ Listen Only(ID): A non-Listen Only connection must exist to allow access. Data is provided in the T-> O direction and
heartbeat is provided in the O-> T direction. If the non-Listen Only connection requests T-> O path does not exist, return
an error.
▶ Exclusive Owner(ID): T-> O, O-> T Connection type that can provide data in both directions. The Target accepts only one
exclusive owner connection for the same O-> T path.
▶ Input Only(Tag): Data is provided in the T-> O direction and heartbeat is provided in the O-> T direction. Input Only (ID)
specifies the input assembly instance of the server, whereas Input Only (Tag) specifies the tag name of the server.
i) T2O Tag Size: Number of data to read from the server side. It also appears in the Size of the Tag settings.
ii) O2T Tag Size: Number of data to write to the server side. It also appears in the Size of the Tag settings.
iii) Output Assembly Instance (8bit): Block number on the server side to write.
Generic EDS: It should be set to 150 when connecting to the periodic server set in P2P block 0 of XGB.
XBL-EIPT EDS: It should be set to 0 when connecting to the periodic server set in P2P block 0 of XGB.
(The offset is set to 150 in XBL-EIPT EDS (set value +150).)
iv) Input Assembly Instance (8bit): Block number on the server side to read.
Generic EDS: It should be set to 100 when connecting to the periodic server set in P2P block 0 of XGB.
XBL-EIPT EDS: It should be set to 0 when connecting to the periodic server set in P2P block 0 of XGB.
(The offset is set to 100 in XBL-EIPT EDS (set value +100).)
6) Parameter Contents: Displays the details of the set parameters.
7) Transmission period (ms): Means the transmission cycle of the data and the setting range is 20~10000 ms.
8) Timeout: Set the value of the integer multiple of the time set as the transmission cycle(ms) and set the time to report error
when the frame does not exist within the set time. The setting range is transmission cycle ×4~512.
9) Date Type: Displays the tag type set in the local tag..
10) Local Tag: Set the area to read or write local data
In case of V2.0 or later, the size of the local tag must be the same as the Tag Size of the parameter contents.
11) Remote Tag: Input the set Producer Tag to the opposing station for the period communication
Chapter 6 EIP Service
3) Parameter download and Link enable
Order Set-up
Procedure How to Set up
and Enable
1) After clicking [Online] → [Write], check the set Network Parameter and click [OK].
If "Set link enable with parameter" is checked, ‘Enable Link’ setting can be made at the same time.
2) After clicking [Online] → [Communication module setting] → [Enable Link], check the P2P(EIP) and
click [Write]. If "Set link enable with parameter" is checked, ‘Enable Link’ setting can be made at the
same time. If you do not check Link Enable, the set EIP will not be operated

Chapter 6 EIP Service
6.4.2 Aperiodic Client Communication Service
Aperiodic Communication is the service to read or write the opposing tag data. It can be used similarly to XGB’s P2P
service and you can use it by setting the opposing tag data without setting EDS..
1) Basic Parameter Set-up and EIP Service Register
For basic parameter setting, refer to 1) Basic Parameter Set- up and EDS Register of 6.4.1 Periodic Client
Communication Service.
2) EIP Channel and Parameter Set-up
Order Set-up
Procedure Hot to Set up
EIP Channel
1) Set the Operation mode of EIP channel to 'Explicit Client'.
2) Input the IP address of the opposing station.
2 Block Set-up
▶Tag Read
(a) For XBL-EIPT V1.x
(b) For XBL-EIPT V2.0 or later
▶Generic Read
It is a function to read object information of Target. It is necessary to know Sevice Code, Class, Instance, and
Attribute provided by Target.
(a) For XBL-EIPT V1.x
(b) For XBL-EIPT V2.0 or later
Chapter 6 EIP Service
3) Parameter download and Link enable
Refer to 3) Parameter download and Link enable of 6.4.1 Periodic Client Communication Service.
After adding two XBL-EIPTs to a basic unit and registering 32 blocks as aperiodic client for one and setting another
module acting as server, if you time how long it takes for 32 blocks to be serviced, it is 1.3s. So time to deal with 1
block is about 40ms, when registering 32 blocks, service count per second get less 1. So if you set start condition
fast, the service faster than 1.3 is not available.
Order Set-up
Procedure Hot to Set up
Block Set-up
▶Example of Parameter Set-up
1) Channel: Select and use the one among those set up with aperiodic client.
2) Operating Mode: Displays the operation mode depending on the set channel.
3) Function: There are ‘Tag Read’command that reads and saves the tag data from the server; ‘Tag Write’ command that
saves the data to the server; ‘Read/Write’ that inputs directly the parameters not tag.
4) Parameter: Can be set only when setting ‘Read/Write’ in Functions.
▶Service Code(Hex): Input the service code to be used. (Example.: 0E : Get ,10 : Set)
▶Class(Hex): Input the Class to set parameters.
▶Instance(Hex): Input the instance to set parameters.
▶Attribute(Hex): Input the Attribute to set parameters.
5) Conditional flag: Sets the operation conditions to send messages.
6) Data Type:
i) For XBL-EIPT V1.x: Input the Data Type if Tag that you will set up.
ii) For XBL-EIPT V2.0 or later: If you select the local tag, the data type of the selected tag will be displayed.
7) Tag Settings
a) Local tag: Set up the client’s (own) tag.
b) Remote tag: Set up the server’s tag. The remote tag name can be set up to 40 characters for XEC and 32 characters for
c) Size
i) For XBL-EIPT V1.x: Sets up the size depending on the data type.
ii) For XBL-EIPT V2.0 or later: If you select the local tag, the size of the selected tag will be displayed.
Chapter 6 EIP Service
6.4.3 Periodic Server Communication Service
For the periodic communication using EtherNet/IP I/F module, even in case of the module operated by the server, you
need to set up the tag size, address.
1) Basic Parameter Set-up and EIP Service Registry
For basic parameter setting, refer to 1) Basic Parameter Set- up and EDS Register of 6.4.1 Periodic Client
Communication Service.
2) EIP Channel and Parameter Set-up
Order Set - up
Procedure How to Set up
EIP Channel
Check - out
1) Set the Operation mode of EIP channel to ‘Implicit Server'.
2) The module for which the basic parameters are set is operated as the periodic server so you do not need to input the IP
address of the opposing station.
Chapter 6 EIP Service
3) Parameter download and Link enable
Refer to 3) Parameter download and Link enable of 6.4.1 Periodic Client Communication Service.
When a user sets up the module operating via periodic server, the index of EIP block is granted the following
(In case of being set by other company’s client)
1. Input Assembly Instance’s start index is 100
2. Output Assembly Instance’s start index is 150
3. For example, in case index 0 is set as periodic server, Input Assembly Instance should be 100 and Output
Assembly Instance should be 150.
4. O2T Input Only Heartbeat Instance ID is 198.
5. O2T Listen Only Heartbeat Instance ID is 199.
6. Configuration Assembly Instance ID is 197.
Order Set - up
Procedure How to Set up
Block Set-up
▶Example of Block Set-up
(a) For XBL-EIPT V1.x
(b) For XBL-EIPT V2.0 or later
1) Channel : Select and use the one among the channels where periodic servers have been set up
2) Operating Mode: The operation mode of the channel set up according to the channel set-up is displayed
3) Date Type
i) For XBL-EIPT V1.x: Fixed to 2 bytes.
ii) For XBL-EIPT V2.0 or later: If you select the local tag, the data type of the selected tag will be displayed.
4) Local Tag: This tag is the device area of the module operating via server.
5) Size
i) For XBL-EIPT V1.x: Input the data size of the module operating via server.
ii) For XBL-EIPT V2.0 or later: If you select the local tag, the size of the selected tag will be displayed.
Chapter 6 EIP Service
6.4.4 Aperiodic Server Communication Service
1) Basic Parameter Set-up and EIP Service Registry
For basic parameter setting, refer to 1) Basic Parameter Set- up and EDS Register of 6.4.1 Periodic Client
Communication Service.
2) EIP Channel and EIP Block do not need to be set if they only operate as aperiodic servers.
3) Parameter download and Link enable
Refer to 3) Parameter download and Link enable of 6.4.1 Periodic Client Communication Service.
6.4.5 Tag naming rule for aperiodic communication services
This chapter describes on how to name the tag in the client when EtherNet/IP I/F module acts as aperiodic server
When our company’s EtherNet/IP modules, XBL-EIPT or XGL-EIPT become the client, you input the tag name of the server at
the “Remote tag” in the XG5000. For one TAG READ or WRITE request frame, up to 64 tags are allowed. But in case XBLEIPT, XGL-EIPT is client, you can input only one tag.
i) For XBL-EIPT V1.x
ii) For XBL-EIPT V2.0 or later
For Tag registration, refer to 6.3 Tag setup.
1) Tag type and size
For XBL-EIPT V1.x, max Read/Write count and EIP type per one tag by type are as follows..
Bit Byte Word Double Word Long Word
Max. count 1 512 256 128 64
EIP type hC1 hC2, hC6, hD1 hC3, hC7, hD2 hC4, hC8, hD3, hCA hC5, hC9,hD4, hCB
For XBL-EIPT V1.x: When acting as server, this is available EIP type list. Types other than them are considered as
error. Type with an underline, when XGL-EIPT, XBL-EIPT is client, is EIP type which is changed about the type set
in the XG5000. When the server responds, it responds by using the requested type.
For XBL-EIPT V2.0 or later: The registered tag type will be used as it is.
Chapter 6 EIP Service
2) Standard for tag naming
This information applies to XBL-EIPT V1.x.
There are 5 kinds of the supported type (Bit, Byte, Word, Double Word, Long Word). The format of tag name per
type is as follows.
a) Bit type tag format
‘%’(1 letter) Device name (1letter) Type (1 letter) Word address (at least 1 letter) Bit address (1 letter)
‘%’ Refer to
3.4 Available device area
‘X’ or ‘x’
Refer to
3.4 Available device area
‘0’ ~ ‘F’
1) ‘%’ is not necessary item. Tag name can start from ‘%’ or device name.
2) Both small letter and capital letter are available for device name.
3) Both small letter ‘a’ ~ ‘f’ and capital letter ‘A’ ~ ‘F’ are available for bit address.
- Valid tag name example) “PX0F”
- Invalid tag name example) “MX0” -> there have to be at least 2 letters after type
b) Byte, Word, Double Word, Long Word type tag format
%(1Byte) Device name (1Byte) Type (1Byte) Word address
‘%’ Refer to
3.4 Available device area
Byte: ‘B’ or ‘b’
Word: ‘W’ or ‘w’
Double Word: ‘D’ or ‘d’
Long Word: ‘L’ or ‘l’
Refer to
3.4 Available device area
1) ‘%’ is not necessary item. Tag name can start from ‘%’ or device name.
2) Both small letter and capital letter are available for device name.
- Valid tag name example) “MW0”
- Invalid tag name example) “M0000” -> There have to be type after device name
Chapter 6 EIP Service
The following is EIP data type used at the XBL-EIPT which comes from CIP (Common Industrial Protocol)
C-5.2.1 BOOL Encoding
C-6.1 Elementary Data type Reporting
Chapter 6 EIP Service
6.5 Examples
6.5.1 Communication with Rockwell 1756-ENBT Communication Module
The system configuration is as follows.
Segment 1756-ENBT XBL-EIPT
IP Address
1. Setup of 1756-ENBT Consumer, XBL-EIPT Producer
(1) Setup of XGB Ethernet/IP I/F module parameter
XGB is used as producer so refer to the details of the above 6.4.3 to set it as periodic server
Order Set-up
Procedure How to Set up
Server Set-up
<XBL-EIPT V2.0 or later>
1) Channel: Selects one among the channels set as periodic server.
2) Operating Mode: Displays the operation mode depending on the set channel.
3) Data Type: Shows the data type of the set tag.
4) Local Tag : This tag is the device area of the module operating via server
5) Size: The data size of the module operating via server. If V2.0 or later, shows the number of selected local tags
Chapter 6 EIP Service
(2) Rockwell 1756-ENBT Communication Module and Communication Set-up
Set up Rockwell’s Client using Rockwell’s S/W(RSLogix 5000)
Order Set-up
Procedure How to Set up
Set - up

Search for the module in I/O Configuration and install it

1) If ENBT Module has been installed, extend it into network and install the module of the network connected.
2) Herein, the installation of Rockwell’s module only is available, and modules, not Rockwell’s one, are possible to set up,
using Generic Device.
3) For the connection of XGT EtherNet/IP I/F Module, set up Generic Device.
Chapter 6 EIP Service
Order Set-up
Procedure How to Set up
Address and
RPI set-up/
Tag set-up
1) Communication based on Assembly Instance
a) Input the IP Address and Connection Parameter.
b) Input the RPI.
i) Requested Packet Interval (RPI): Set up the period of data that a user will receive from server. Client
sets up on what information to get and the server adopts this set-up, data (Produced Tag) will be
transmitted as the way set up. Thus, client allots to this RPI parameter in how long period server will
ii) If clicking OK, parameter is downloaded and is automatically connected. Then, data communication
c) When a module set up, the tag named to Controller Tags in module name is automatically set up, so the
check--out of data is confirmed in Controller Tags. In case of being set up as seen above, data check -
out is available in EIPT: I.
Chapter 6 EIP Service
Order Set-up
Procedure How to Set up
Address and
RPI set-up/
Tag set-up
2) Communication based on Tag.
a) Input the IP Address.
b) Input the Producer Tag and Consumer Tag.

i) Name: Input the name of the consumer tag.
ii) Data Type: Input the data type to be communicated.
iii) Connection: Input the producer tag to be connected with the consumed tag.
iv) RPI: Input the transmission cycle that the producer will receive.
Chapter 6 EIP Service
Order Set-up
Procedure How to Set up
1) Name: Input the name to be used for the module.
2) IP Address: Input XBL-EIPT module’s IP.
3) Comm. Format: Set to “None” for communication based on Tag. Set "Input Data - SINT" for communication based on
Assembly Instance.
4) Connection Parameter: Activated when "Comm Format" is selected as "None" and enter connection parameters.
Mapping has been done between this information and block index number, and the number has been allotted to Consumed
Tag input by blocks and Produced Tag output, respectively. XBL-EIPT operates as server.
(a) Assembly Instance
i) In case of Input Only
- Input Assembly Instance: ‘100+P2P index number’ in Generic EDS, ‘P2P index number’ in XBL-EIPT EDS
- Output Assembly Instance: ‘198’ (Heartbeat Assembly Instance)
ii) In case of Listen Only
- Input Assembly Instance: ‘100+P2P index number’ in Generic EDS, ‘P2P index number’ in XBL-EIPT EDS
- Output Assembly Instance: ‘199’ (Heartbeat Assembly Instance)
iii) In case of Exclusive Owner
- Input Assembly Instance: ‘100+P2P index number’ in Generic EDS, ‘P2P index number’ in XBL-EIPT EDS
- Output Assembly Instance: ‘150+P2P index number’ in Generic EDS, ‘P2P index number’ in XBL-EIPT EDS
(b) Configuration Assembly Instance: 197
(c) Size : When Generic EDS, Byte unit
When XBL-EIPT Ver1.1 EDS, Word unit
Chapter 6 EIP Service
2. Setup of 1756-ENBT Producer, XBL-EIPT Consumer
(1) Setup of XGB Ethernet/IP I/F module parameter
XGB is used as consumer so refer to the details of the above 6.4.1 to set it as periodic client
(2) Rockwell 1756-ENBT Communication setup
You can set up the producer of Rockwell by using Rockwell’s S/W(RSLogix 5000).
Order Set-up
Procedure How to Set up
Set up
channel with
Generic EDS

1) Select the Generic EtherNet/IP Module in the EDS information window and drag it to the EIP configuration window.
2) IP Address: Input the IP of 1756-ENBT module.
Block setup
1) I/O type: Select 6. Input Only(Tag Type).
2) Parameter: Input the size of the consumer tag. The size is the number of data types.
3) Local tag: Select the consumer tag to be communicated with the producer.
Order Set-up
Procedure How to Set up
Producer tag
1) Name: You can input the name of the producer tag.
2) Data Type: You can input the data type to be communicated.
Chapter 7 Diagnosis Function
Chapter 7 Diagnosis Function
This chapter describes how to check out systems and modules, how to check out network state, and how to download 0/S.
When checking out states of system configuration and EtherNet/IP I/F Module, a user should review the following procedure.
7.1 System Diagnosis
This diagnosis is the method to check out the state of EtherNet/IP I/F Module and systems. If click [Online] 
[Communication module setting]  [System Diagnosis] after clicking [Online]  [Connection] on XG5000, the system
diagnosis screen is open as seen in [Figure 7.1.1] and Module Information Window is open in system diagnosis below as
seen in [Figure 7.1.2].
[Figure 7.1.1] System Diagnosis Screen
[Figure 7.1.2] Module Information Window
Chapter 7 Diagnosis Function
7.2 System Diagnosis Items and Contents
1) This part describes the diagnosis items and contents of EtherNet/IP I/F Module provided from XG5000.
Order Diagnosis
Items How to Set up and Contents
System Diagnosis
1) Select [Connection] → [Online] → [Communication module setting] → [System Diagnosis]
2) Put the mouse on XBL-EIPT and click it with the right side of the mouse to check out the
diagnosis information of EtnerNet/IP I/F Module a user wants.
Module Information
The general information of EtherNet/IP I/F Module is displayed.
1) Module Kind: Displays kinds of modules (XBL-EIPT).
2) Base No. : Displays the base location of the module installed.
3) Slot No.: Displays the slot location of the module located.
4) IP Address: Displays IP address set up in module.
5) MAC Address: Displays MAC address set up in the modules.
6) Module Status: Displays the state of the module.
7) Hardware Error: Displays whether the error of the hardware has been made or not.
8) Hardware Version: Displays the version of the hardware.
9) OS Version: Displays the version of module OS.
10) Vender ID: Vendor ID of Displays EtherNet/IP Module
11) Product Type: Displays the Product Type of Ethernet/IP
12) Serial No.: Displays the serial no. of the module.
13) Product Code: Displays the code No. of the module
14) Product Name : Displays the name of the module
15) Dedicated service: Displays when operation channel exists as aperiodic server
16) System parameter information: Displays basic parameter setting status
Chapter 7 Diagnosis Function
Order Diagnosis
Items How to Set up and Contents
State by
1) Specific Flag Information Window
(1) Block No. : Displays the index of the parameter that a user set up with EIP Service.
(2) Channel No.: Displays the number of the channel that a user set up in each block.
(3) Service Kind: Displays the type of the service that a user set up : Implicit Client / Implicit
Server / Explicit Client
(4) Connection Status: Displays whether EIP Block has been connected or not.
▶CONNECT: State that connection has been completed
▶IDLE: State that connection has not been completed
(5) Block Status: Displays the block state of EIP Block
▶NONEXIST: State that the set-up of connection has not been done
▶REGSESSION: State that TCP Connection has been completed and EtherNet/IP
Connection is in the process of being set up
▶READY: State that communication is available
▶BUSY: State that response on required frame has not been received yet
(6) Service Count per Second: Displays how many times the service has been carried out per 1
(7) Accumulative Service Count : Displays the number of services till now
(8) Accumulative Error Count : Displays the number of errors till now
Chapter 7 Diagnosis Function
Order Diagnosis
Items How to Set up and Contents
State by
Explicit Server
1) Session Handle : The original number granted to connected client
2) IP Address : IP Address of connected client
3) The Number of RR packets sent: The Number of Transmission Packets of the Message in the
form of Request/Reply
4) The Number of RR Packets received: The Number of Reception Packets of the Message in
the form of Request/Reply
5) The Number of Unit Packets sent: The Number of Transmission Packets of the Message
used after connection set-up
6) The Number of Unit Packets received: The Number of Reception Packets of the Message
used after connection set-up
7) The Number of Error Packets : The Number of Error Packets coming into Server
5 Media Information
1) Service State Information: Displays the number of service completed in EtherNet/IP I/F
2) Media State Information: Displays the packet quantity per second in service type of
EtherNet/IP I/F Module.
3) Packet Monitoring
Chapter 7 Diagnosis Function
Order Diagnosis
Items How to Set up and Contents
Ping Test
It is possible to check out the operation state of an opponent country by entering an opponent
country’s IP Address
In case of not receiving the signal from an opponent country, it is necessary to check out the
basic set-up information
Auto Scan
A user can check out the system configuration state of the whole system.
▶Parameter: In case EIP Parameter is set up, it is marked as P.’
▶Active: The module operating normally (Online State) is marked as‘A.’
▶Diagnostic: The module that diagnosis needs to be marked as ‘D.’
Chapter 7 Diagnosis Function
Order Diagnosis
Items How to Set up and Contents
In case a user cannot check out the performance of errors and services or stores the contents of
the current memory area into flash, when pressing the Log switch, memory area log is
automatically stored to flash.
1) Memory Area Log: Displays the history when errors and the problems in service performance
are made.
In case of Memory Area Log, when the power is turned off, it automatically extinct.
2) Flash Area Log: When a user presses the log switch on the module’s front side, the log of the
memory area is stored into memory, and even if the power is turned off, the history can be
Chapter 7 Diagnosis Function
2) NDR flag condition according to service type
Channel Operation Mode Flag condition Remark
Explicit Client - NDR = 1
NDR = 0
Cleared to 0 each time the Conditional flag is On, and
set to 1 if a normal response is received
Implicit Client O2T NDR = 0 Cleared to 0 every Transmission period
T2O NDR = 1 Set to 1 each time it is received
Implicit Server
connected with O2T NDR = 1
NDR = 0
Before connecting: Cleared to 0 every second
After connecting: Cleared to 0 every second, and set
to 1 each time it is received
connected with T2O NDR = 0 Before connecting: Cleared to 0 every second
After connecting: Cleared to 0 every T2O period
connected with T2O, O2T NDR = 1
NDR = 0
Before connecting: Cleared to 0 every second
After connecting: Cleared to 0 every T2O period, and
set to 1 each time it is received
3) Service count condition according to service type
Channel Operation Mode Service count condition
Explicit Client -
Service count is incremented by 1 when a response to the
request is received
Error count is incremented by 1 when an abnormal
response is received
Implicit Client
O2T After connection, service count is incremented by 1 after
transmission for every O2T period
T2O After connection, service count is incremented by 1 each
time it is received
Implicit Server
connected with O2T After connection, service count is incremented by 1 each
time it is received
connected with T2O After connection, service count is incremented by 1 after
transmission for every T2O period
connected with T2O, O2T
After connection, service count is incremented by 1 after
transmission for every T2O period, and is incremented by
1 each time it is received
1) NDR Flag: It is a communication flag according to P2P service setting. Normally, it is On when P2P service normally processes the
corresponding block, but it depends on service type in case of EIP.
2) P2P parameters are 1 ~ 3, and P2P blocks are 0 ~ 31. For the detailed configuration, refer to the NDR flag in the flag list inAppendix A.2.
Chapter 7 Diagnosis Function
7.3 Troubleshooting
This part describes causes and actions on failures and errors that may happen in operating systems. When a user wants to
check out errors and problems in EtherNet/IP I/F Module, the following procedure will help you check out those
malfunctions. When judging whether the module is in abnormal state or not, make sure to take actions in order, using
Troubleshooting. Do not repair and disassemble at your discretion.
7.3.1 Check-out through LED in Communication Module
This check-out is the way of checking out the state of the module to see whether it is defective or not.
1) Abnormal Operation Display
LED located on the front side of EtherNet/IP I/F Module enables a user to check out.
[Illustration 7.3.1] LED of EtherNet/IP I/F Module
LED Contents Error Contents Actions
RUN Light out after supplying
the module power
1) Check out whether EtherNet/IP Communication Modules has been properly
installed or not
- Check out whether the communication module has been properly installed to
the main unit
2) Consult with Warranty Service Center
I/F Operation stops when light
is on and off
1) Check out whether main unit and communication modules have been properly
2) Consult with Warranty Service Center
P2P Light is off during service
for command languages
1) Check out whether command language has been properly entered or not
2) Check out connection has been properly done or not
3) Check out whether Link Enable in Menu is on or not
PADT Light is off during remote
connection service
1) Check out whether telephone office numbers for remote connection(PADT)
have been properly set up or not
2) Check out whether PADT Program – Remote Connection has been canceled
SVR Light is off during server
operation 1) Check out whether the connection with client has been properly done
Red light is on and off 1) Check out the basic set-up and supply power again
Red light is on 1) Supply power again
2) Consult with Warranty Service Center
NS Red light is on and off 1)Check out the device where Timeout happened
Red light is off 1) Set up IP Address again (Find the same IP Address)
ACT Light is off during normal
1) Check out the transmission or reception parameter
2) Check out whether connection has been properly done
Chapter 7 Diagnosis Function
LED Contents Error Contents Actions
LNK Light is off during normal
1) Check out whether cables have been properly connected ports
2) Check out whether an opponent’s port is normally operating ha been
7.3.2 Check out of Module Errors through XG5000
It is possible to simply monitor errors of the module through XG5000 Program. After connecting RS-232C or USB
Connector to CPU, check out [online]  [Diagnosis]  [PLC History], [PLC Error /Warning] in XG5000.
[Figure 7.3.2] PLC History - Specific Information Monitor
In case hard errors or CPU interface errors are made to the module, naturally LED abnormally operates, but it is
possible to figure out this state, using exclusive programs.
[Figure 7.3.2] will help a user check out error/warning information through PLC history from [Online] of XG5000 and it is
possible to solve problems by referring to “Details and Actions” contents.
Chapter 7 Diagnosis Function
7.3.3 Check-out on Module Errors through System Log
It is possible to monitor whether communication module has been malfunctioned through XG5000 Program. After
connecting RS-232C or USB Connector to CPU Module, click EtherNet/IP I/F Module with the right side of the mouse
on “Diagnosis Screen” in XG5000 and select “System Log,”and then Log Screen is open.
1) MemoryArea Log
It is possible to check out whether errors have been made or services have been performed.
[Figure 7.3.3] shows the memory area log screen of ‘System Log.’
[Figure 7.3.3] Memory Area Log Screen of ‘System Log’
It is possible to check out the date, time, contents when events, such as error occurring or service performing, happened.
1) Flash Area Log
If it is impossible to check out errors or service performances through XG5000 or if a user wants to store the
contents in current memory area into flash, when pressing Log Switch on the front side on EtherNet/IP I/F Module,
memory area log is automatically stored to Flash.
[Figure 7.3.4] shows the flash area – log screen of ‘System Log.’
Chapter 7 Diagnosis Function
[Figure 7.3.4] Flash Area Log Screen of ‘System Log’
Chapter 7 Diagnosis Function
7.4 Remote Communication control
7.4.1 Introduction
This function is used for programming, downloading of user program, program debugging, monitoring, etc in network
system where PLCs are connected with each other via Ethernet by remote control without moving the physical
connection status of XG5000. It is especially convenient for easy access to each device from a place without
repositioning when network-connected devices are separated far. XG5000 remote connection service is available
under the following Logical Path to attain its purpose.
Remote connection
(Logical connection via Eternet communication module)
Local connection
(RS-232C or USB)
[Figure 7.4.1] Ethernet/IP network
A network is supposed where RS-232C cable is connected between PC in which XG5000 is installed and PLC #1
station, and PLC #1, PLC #2 and PLC #n are connected with each other via Ethernet in XG5000 of [Figure 7.4.1]. To
access the contents of PLC #1 station in the figure above, Local connection is needed in XG5000’s on-line menu. After
finishing accessing the contents of PLC #1, disconnect the Local connection with ‘Disconnect’ menu. To access the
PLC #n station, select PLC #n by setting the IP address of PLC #n and Base and Slot No. where XBL-EIPT module is
installed in the PLC #1 station in the remote connection dialog box and connect. Then logical connection between
XG5000 and PLC #n will be established via RS-232C and Ethernet. This status is identical to the status that RS-232C
cable is connected between PC and PLC #n station and it is available to execute all functions of programming,
downloading, debugging and monitoring as in PLC #1.
Also, if Ethernet/IP module (LAN Card) is installed on PC where XG5000 is installed and connected to the identical
network to PLC, remote stage 1 connection with PLC is available via Ethernet without local connection via RS-232C.
With the remote connection service of XG5000, easy access to PLC is possible even if the PLC is located at a far
place. And re-programming without repositioning the PLC is possible when PLC is located at a place hard to reach.
Chapter 7 Diagnosis Function
7.4.2 Setting and Connection
All PLCs connected via XGT network are available to connect with each other by remote connection service. XG5000 remote
connection is composed of stage 1 and stage 2 connections as described below.
The followings explains remote 1 and remote 2 connections.
Logical connection via Ethernet module
Logical connection via Ethernet module
Remote 2
Remote 1
Local connection
(RS-232C or USB)
[Figure 7.4.2] Remote connection
[Figure 7.4. 2] shows an example of network system composed of two networks.
(1) Remote stage 1 connection (If RS-232C cable used)
For remote stage 1 connection, XG5000 shall be in off-line state.
Click [Online] -> [Connection settings]
[Figure 7.4.3] XG5000 remote connection option to select
(a) Connection type
It designates the connecting method for local connection. Local connection is applied with RS-232C used as in [Fig.
7.4.3]. Select the port used in PC for a communication port. The case that Ethernet is used for local connection will be
described in the next section. Refer to user’s manual of each communication module for the case with other
connection types.
(b) Connection depth
Decide a PLC connection stage of local, remote stage 1 or 2. Select remote stage 1 here.
Chapter 7 Diagnosis Function
[Figure 7.4.4] XG5000 remote stage 1 connection
(c) Network type
Select a network type for stage 1 connection among Rnet, Cnet, FEnet, RAPIEnet and EtherNet/IP. EtherNet/IP is to
be selected because stage 1 connection is applied through EtherNet/IP in [Figure 7.4.4].
(d) Base No.
Specify the base No. where EtherNet/IP module of PLC #1 for remote connection is installed. Since XGB does not
have a base, enter 0 as the base number.
(e) Slot
It indicates the slot number where EtherNet/IP module is installed in locally connected PLC via RS-232C. Select No.1
in [Figure 7.4.4] since EtherNet/IP module installed on PLC #1 is on slot No.1.
(f) IP address
Specify the IP address of EtherNet/IP module installed in the PLC which will be connected with XG5000 in the
network 1. Use the IP address of EtherNet/IP module installed in PLC #2 station, in [Figure 7.4.4].
Chapter 7 Diagnosis Function
Now click [OK] and then select [Connect] on the Online menu.
Since stage 1 connection-completed status is the logical connection status identical to the local connection with RS-232C
cable is connected to the PLC, where all of the on-line menus are available. (Except that CPU type between PLC and
presently open project is disagreeable)
(2) Remote stage 2 connection (RS-232C cable is used for local connection)
For remote stage 2 connection, XG5000 shall be in off-line state. Click [Online] -> [Connection settings] like [Figure 7.4.3]
(a) Connection type
Select Local connection. [Fig. 7.4.5] shows that select RS-232C for Type and Remote 2 for Depth. The
communication port choose using PC port. If use Ethernet, explain it in the next chapter. If use other communication
module, Please refer to manual each communication modules.
(b) Connection depth
Select Reome 2.
Chapter 7 Diagnosis Function
[Figure. 7.4.5] XG5000 remote stage 2 connection
Remote 2 only will be described below since the others are the same in the dialog box above.
(c) Setting of network type
Select a network type for remote stage 2 connection among XGT Rnet, Cnet, FEnet, RAPIEnet and EtherNet/IP.
Network types of stage 1 and stage 2 connections bear no relation to each other. EtherNet/IP is to be selected since
stage 2 connection is with EtherNet/IP in [Figure 7.4.5].
(d) Base and slot No.
Set the Base and Slot No. where EtherNet/IP module is installed in the PLC #2 which will be connected with stage 2
in the network 2.
(e) IP address
Specify the IP address of EtherNet/IP module installed in the PLC which will be connected with XG5000 in the
network 2. Use the IP address of EtherNet/IP module installed in PLC #B station, in [Figure 7.4.5].
Stage 2 connection-completed status as above is the logical connection status identical to the connection with RS-232C
cable is connected to PLC [B], where all of the on-line menus are available.
Chapter 7 Diagnosis Function
(3) Remote 1 connection directly from PC connected with Ethernet
Remote stage 1 connection via Ethernet without connecting RS-232C is available if a PC where XG5000 is operating is
included in PLC Ethernet network.
Logical connection via Ethernet communication module (remote)
[Figure 7.4.6] Remote stage 1 connection system through PC
[Fig. 7.4.6] shows the connection between PC and PLC via Ethernet, where connection to all PLCs on the network is
available without RS-232C used in XG5000. In this case local connection is omissible and remote 1 connection is
available with all PLCs
Select ‘Connection settings’ on the Online menu and change the setting in the dialog box as specified below to establish
remote stage 1 connection directly via Ethernet.
[Figure 7.4.7] Remote 1 connection directly via Ethernet
(a) Connection type
Select an applicable type for connection. In the case of [Figure 7.4.7], select Ethernet because the connection is
established directly via Ethernet without application of RS-232C.
(b) Connection depth
Decide a PLC connection stage of remote stage 1 or 2. Select remote 1 here.
(c) IP address
Set the IP address of FEnet I/F module to connect to. Use IP address, to connect to PLC [n] in
[Figure. 7.4.7].
The rest procedures are the same as with RS-232C used. Now click [OK] and then select [Connect] on the Online menu.
Chapter 7 Diagnosis Function
(4) Remote 2 connection directly from PC connected with Ethernet
Remote stage 2 connection is available via Ethernet if a PC where XG5000 is operating is included in one PLC Ethernet
network and one Ethernet is connected with other Ethernet network.
Logical connection via Ethernet module (remote 1)
Network 1
Logical connection via Ethernet module (remote 2)
[Figure 7.4.8] Remote connection
The procedures are the same as in remote 1 connection and a setting example of ‘Connection Setting’ is as [Fig. 7.4.9].
Chapter 7 Diagnosis Function
[Fig. 7.4.9] Remote 2 connection directly via Ethernet
Chapter 7 Diagnosis Function
(1) Precautions for operation with remote stage 1 & 2 connection
1) The following menus are not available if the types between the project presently open in XG5000
and the CPU connected with stage 1 or 2 are not identical.
a) Write program and each parameter
b) Read program and each parameter
c) Monitor
d) Flash memory
e) Set Link Enable
f) I/O information
g) Compulsory I/O information
2) Execute the remote connection with applicable project open of the station to connect to for
XG5000 programming through remote stage 1 & 2 connections.
3) Up to 2 stages only are available for the remote connection. More than that is not available for the
remote connection.
A.1 Terms
1. IEEE 802.3
IEEE 802.3 regulates standards on Ethernet based on CSMA/CD. In other words it is a short distance net(LAN) based
on CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection)Ethernet devised by IEEE 802.3 Group, divided
into the following specific projects.
(1) IEEE P802.3 - 10G Base T Study Group
(2) IEEE P802.3ah - Ethernet in the First Mile Task Force
(3) IEEE P802.3ak - 10G Base-CX4 Task Force
※ Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 must be standardized in RFC894 and RFC1042, and mutual frame processing must be
2. ARP(Address Resolution Protocol)
This Protocol is created to find MAC Address, using an opponent’s IP address in Ethernet LAN.
3. Bridge
This is the device used to connect two networks so that they can operate as if those two were one. Bridge is used to
connect two networks an also applied to divide one big network into two small networks for improving performance
(1) Related Standards: IEEE 802.1D
(2) Bridge (Layer2 Switch) is the devise connected in Layer 2, which extends transmission limit distance of Ethernet
and operates in Filtering and Forwarding as well.
4. Client
This refers to a user of network service, or a computer or a program using the resources of other computer (In general,
the part who asks for services).
5. CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection)
Each Client transmits its own data in case network is empty by checking out(Carrier Sense) whether there is a signal or
not before sending off data to network. Then, all Clients are same in authority for transmission (Multiple Access), and if
Clients more than two ones transmit, collision conflict occurs and the Client that detected these transits again in fixed
6. DNS (Domain Name System)
This system is the method used to convert Domain Name on the internet in alphabet into Internet Number (Namely, IP
Address) corresponding to it.
7. Dot Address
This refers to IP Address expressed into ‘’ and each number is represented in decimal number, and it
takes up 1 BYTE among 4 BYTES in total.
8. E-mailAddress
This is the address of a user having his login account in the special device connected through the internet, and in
general, it is expressed in a user’s ID@ domain name (Device Name). In other words, it is expressed
like hjjee@microsoft.com, where @ is called “at” and it is the key board appearing if a user press shift+2 on keyboard.
The letters in the back of “@” refer to special institutions (school, research center, corporation …) and the letters in front
of “@” becomes a user’s ID.
The end letters in domain name are top-ranked ones, and in case of USA, the following abbreviation is mostly used and
in case of Korea, Korea is expressed in .kr for displaying nationality:
.com: usually corporations (company) / .edu: usually educational institutions like university (education). / .ac (academy)
used in Korea, / .gov: governmental institutions, for example, NASA - nasa.gov (government) / .mil: sites related to the
military. For example, USA air force is “to af.mil, (military)”/ .org means private organizations. Nations are expressed as
follows: (/ .au: Australia / .uk: England / .ca: Canade / .kr: Korea / .jp: Japan / .fr: France / .tw: Taiwan, etc.).
9. Ethernet
This net is LAN Connection System (IEEE 802.3) that USA (Xerox), Intel, and DEC jointly developed. Ethernet, a
network connection with 10Mbps transmission ability and 1500 BYTE packet used, can collect a variety of computers in
network. Thus, it is called “pronoun of LAN” and the diverse products in generality in size, not for special providers, have
been launched.
10. Gateway
This part is software/hardware translating two different protocols and is the device corresponding to the exit enabling a
user to exchange information with other systems.
11. Header
This device is the part of the packet including own country’s and an opponent country’s addresses, and the part for
checking out errors.
12. ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol)
This protocol creates error messages and test packets for managing internet via extension protocol of IP address and is
designed to report errors and take control.
13. IP(Internet Protocol)
This protocol is deigned for network layers for internet. This is the protocol in non-connective datagram which transmits
and receives data as data like TCP, UDP, ICMP, IGMP uses IP (32BYTE).
14. IP Address
This term means the address on internet in each computer composed of numbers and this address consists of binary
numbers in 32BYTE (4BYTE) size to classify each device on internet. IP address is divided into 2 parts in total and is
composed of address for classifying network and host address for dividing hosts. IP address is classified into 3 classes -
(Class) A/ B/ C – according to how many BYTES are allotted to network address and host address. IP address is unique
one over the world, so it is not decided at discretion but NIC (Network Information Center), the regional information net
center allots when subscribing to internet, and In case of Korea, KRNIC (Korea Network Center) is in charge of allotment.
Example) 165,244.149.190
15. ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
This organization is a subsidiary under UN established to enact international standards and to carry out management.
16. LAN (Local Area Network)
This network is a short distance network or an information communication network in region which enables a user to
connect a variety of computers in limited scope and to exchange data with each other.
17. MAC (Medium Access Control)
This term refers to the way of deciding which device will use network within given time In Broadcast Network.
18. Node
Each computer connected to network net is called “node,” respectively.
19. Packet
This is a bundle of data which becomes the basic unit for transmitting data via network. In general packet creates a
bundle in size from tens to hundreds BYTE. On the front side of each bundle Header is posted and the information on
which way this bundle to be sent and more information required are added.
20. PORT number
This number is an identifier used to classify applications on TCP/UDP. On TCP, this PORT number is used to decide to
which PORT data should be sent and the program used in general operation system has each own PORT.
Example) 21/tcp: Telnet
21. PPP(Point-to-Point Protocol)
This protocol is an agreement on telephone communication that allows packets to be transmitted. In other words, it is
the commonest protocol on internet that enables a computer to be connected to TCP/IP through general telephone
lines and modems.
This protocol is similar to SLIP, but it is equipped with modern – communication protocol factors such as error detection,
data compression, etc., so it displays excellent performances compared to SLIP.
22. Protocol
Protocol is the regulations on how computers connected to network transmit and receive information with each other.
Protocol means the regulation for exchanging messages on high level as the interface between one device and the
other device is specifically described on low level(For example, which BIT/BYTE should go through lines) or files are
transmitted through internet.
23. Router
This device is used to transmit data packets between networks. It also judges whether to send data packets to the final
destination or not and whether to wait or not if network is busy, and which LAN to be connected to from a plural LAN
diverging point. In other words, this device is a special computer /software that manage the connection for more than
two networks.
24. Server
This term means the part which passively responds to Client’s request and shares its own resources.
25. TCP(Transmission Control Protocol)
(1) Transport Layer Protocol for the Internet
- Supports Transmission/Reception, using Connection
- Supports Multiplexing Function
- Performs reliable transmission of data in connecting - oriented aspect
- Supports transmission of emergency data
26. TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
This term means the agreement on transmission for communication between computers in different model. This
protocol plays a role that enables the communication between general PC and medium host, IBM PC and MAC, and
among medium or large scaled computers produced by other manufactures. This term is used as a general term of the
protocol for transmitting the information between computer networks and included FTP, Telnet, SMTP, etc. TCP is
divided into data packets and transmitted by IP, and the packet transmitted is configured by TCP again.
27. Near-end crosstalk
Near-end crosstalk is a kind of disturbance generated by the electricity from a communication signal or a magnetic field
that affect other signals in neighboring lines. In telephone line, near-end crosstalk may cause some dialogue contents
on other lines to be heard. The phenomenon generated by near-end crosstalk is called “Electro Magnetic Interference.”
This may happen on small circuits in computer or audio equipments as well as network lines. This term may be applied
to optic signals that disturb each other. For example, as seen in an insulated conductor of a telephone cable, if
electrostatic coupling or electromagnetic coupling between one insulated conductor and the other insulated conductor
occurs and the phone current on one insulated conductor is derelict to other insulated conductor, crosswalk-talk
happens. Of these crosswalk-talks, the crosswalk-talk that happened to a transmitting part called “Near-end crosstalk”
and the one that happened to a receiving part is called Far-end crosstalk.
A.2 Flag List
A.2.1 Special Relay (F) List
Word Bit Variable Function Description
- _SYS_STATE Mode and State Displays the Mode and Run State of PLC
F0000 _RUN RUN Run State
F0001 _STOP STOP Stop state
F0002 _ERROR ERROR Error state.
F0003 _DEBUG DEBUG Debug State
F0004 _LOCAL_CON LOCAL CONTROL Local Control Mode
F0006 _REMOTE_CON REMOTE MODE Remote Control Mode
F0008 _RUN_EDIT_ST CORRECTING WHILE RUN Downloading Correction Program while Run.
F0009 _RUN_EDIT_CHK CORRECTING WHILE RUN Internal Processing for Correction while Run
WHILE RUN Correction Completed while Run
F000C _CMOD_KEY OPERATION MODE Operation Mode Transformed by the Key
F000D _CMOD_LPADT OPERATION MODE Operation Mode Transformed by the Local PADT
F000E _CMOD_RPADT OPERATION MODE Operation Mode Transformed by Remote PADT
Operation Mode Transformed by Remote Communication
F0010 _FORCE_IN FORCIBLE ENTRY Forcible Entry State
F0011 _FORCE_OUT FORCIBLE OUTPUT Forcible Output State
F0014 _MON_ON MONITOR Executing Monitor
F0015 _USTOP_ON STOP Stopped by Stop Function
F0016 _ESTOP_ON ESTOP Stopped by EStop Function
F0017 _CONPILE_모드 COMPILING Performing Compiling
F0018 _INIT_RUN INITIALIZING Performing Initializing Task
F001C _PB1 PROGRAM CODE 1 Program Code 1 Selected
F001D _PB2 PROGRAM CODE 2 Program Code 2 Selected
F001E _CB1 COMPILE CODE1 Compile Code 1 Selected
F001F _CB2 COMPILE CODE 2 Compile Code 2 Selected
Word Bit Variable Function Description
_CNF_ER SYTEM ERROR Reports Serious Failure State of the System
F0021 _IO_TYER MODULE TYPE ERROR Module Type does not corresponds.
F0024 _IO_RWER MODULE IN/OUTPUT ERROR Problems occurred in to Module In/Output
F0025 _IP_IFER
Problems occurred in the special/communication
module interface
F0026 _ANNUM_ER EXTERNAL DEVICE ERROR Serious Errors detected from External Devices
F0028 _BPRM_ER BASIC PARAMETER Errors in Basic Parameter
F0029 _IOPRM_ER IO PARAMETER Errors with IO Configuration Parameter
PARAMETER Special Module Parameter is in Abnormal State
PARAMETR Communication Module Parameter is in Abnormal State
F002C _PGM_ER PROGRAM ERROR Errors in Program
F002D _CODE_ER CODE ERROR Errors in Program Code
F002E _SWDT_ER SYSTEM WATCH DOG Scan Watchdog Operated
F0030 _WDT_ER SCAN WATCHDOG Scan Watchdog Operated
- _CNF_WAR SYSTEM WARNIGN Reports on the Light Errors of the System
F00041 _DBCK_ER BACKUP ERROR Problem Occurred in Data Back Up
ERROR STOP Stops due to Abnormal Operation
F00046 _ANNUM_WAR EXTERIAL DEVCIE ERROR The Light Error of the External Device Detected
LINK1 High Speed Link – abnormal
LINK2 High Speed Link – abnormal
F0054 _P2P_WAR1 P2P
PARAMETER 1 P2P – abnormal
F0055 _P2P_WAR2 P2P
PARAMETER 2 P2P – abnormal
F0056 _P2P_WAR3 P2P
PARAMETER 3 P2P – abnormal
Fixed Period Errors
Word Bit Variable Function Description
F0090 _T20MS 20ms 20ms Periodic Clock
F0091 _T100MS 100ms 100ms Periodic Clock
F0092 _T200MS 200ms 200ms Periodic Clock
F0093 _T1S 1s 1s Periodic Clock
F0094 _T2S 2s 2s Periodic Clock
F0095 _T10S 10s 10s Periodic Clock
F0096 _T20S 20s 20s Periodic Clock
F0097 _T60S 60s 60s Periodic Clock
F0099 _ON ALWAYS - ON Always On –State Bit
F009A _OFF ALWAYS - ON Always Off –State Bit
F009B _1ON 1 SCAN - ON 1st Scan Only On –State
F009C _1OFF 1 SCAN -OFF 1st Scan Only Off –State
F009D _STOG ANTi - CLOCK Every Scan Anti –Clocked
- _USER_CLK USER-CLOCK User Set-up Available Clock
F0100 _USR_CLK0 DEGIGNATED SCAN REPEATED On/Off Clock as much as Designated Scan 0
F0101 _USR_CLK1 DEGIGNATED SCAN REPEATED On/Off Clock as much as Designated Scan 1
F0102 _USR_CLK2 DEGIGNATED SCAN REPEATED On/Off Clock as much as Designated Scan 2
F0103 _USR_CLK3 DEGIGNATED SCAN REPEATED On/Off Clock as much as Designated Scan 3
F0104 _USR_CLK4 DEGIGNATED SCAN REPEATED On/Off Clock as much as Designated Scan 4
F0105 _USR_CLK5 DEGIGNATED SCAN REPEATED On/Off Clock as much as Designated Scan 5
F0106 _USR_CLK6 DEGIGNATED SCAN REPEATED On/Off Clock as much as Designated Scan 6
F0107 _USR_CLK7 DEGIGNATED SCAN REPEATED On/Off Clock as much as Designated Scan 7
- _LOGIC_RESULT LOGIC RESULTS Displays Logic Results
F00110 _LER CALCULATION ERROR On during 1 Scan when Errors made to Calculation
F00111 _ZERO ZERO FLAG On if Calculation Result is 0
F00112 _CARRY CARRY FLAG On if Carry occurred during Calculation
F00113 _ALL_OFF ALL OUTPUT OFF On if All Outputs are OFF
LATCH On Maintained when Errors made to Calculation
- _CMP_RESULT COMPARISION RESULTS Display Comparison Results
F0120 _LT LT FLAG On if “ Less Than “
F0121 _LTE LTE FLAG On if “The Same or Less Than”
F0122 _EQU EQU FLAG On if “The Same ”
F0123 _GT GT FLAG On if “Larger Than ”
F0124 _GTE GTE FLAG On “Larger Than or The Same ”
F0125 _NEQ NEQ FLAG On if “Not The Same ”
F014 - _FALS_NUM FALS NUMBER Displays the Number of FALS
Word Bit Variable Function Description
F044 - _CPU_TYPE CPU TYPE Displays the Information on CPU Type
F045 - _CPU_VER CPU VERSION Displays CPU Version
F046 - _OS_VER O/S VERSION Displays O/S Version
F048 - _OS_DATE O/S DATE Displays O/S Distribution Date
SCAN TIME Displays Maximum Scan Time
F051 - _SCAN_MIN MINIMUM SCAN TIME Displays Minimum Scan Time
F052 - _SCAN_CUR CURRENT SCAN TIME Displays Current Scan Time.
F0053 - _MON_YEAR MONTH /YEAR Month, Year Data of PLC
F0054 - _TIME_DAY HOUR / DATE Hour, Date Data of PLC
F0055 - _SEC_MIN SECOND / MINUTE Second, Minute Data of PLC
F0056 - _HUND_WK 100 YEARS / DAY 100 Years , Minute Data of PLC
- _FPU_INFO Not used
F00570 _FPU_LFLAG_I Not used
F00571 _FPU_LFLAG_U Not used
F00572 _FPU_LFLAG_O Not used
F00573 _FPU_LFLAG_Z Not used
F00574 _FPU_LFLAG_V Not used
F0057A _FPU_FLAG_I Not used
F0057B _FPU_FLAG_U Not used
F0057C _FPU_FLAG_O Not used
F0057D _FPU_FLAG_Z Not used
F0057E _FPU_FLAG_V Not used
F0057F _FPU_FLAG_E IRREGULAR VALUE ENTRY Reports when Entering Irregular Value
STTEP Stores Error Step.
F0060 - _REF_COUNT REFRESH Increases if Module Refresh Performed
F0062 - _REF_OK_CNT REFRESH OK Increases if Module Refresh is in Normal State
F0064 - _REF_NG_CNT REFRESH NG Increases if Module Refresh in Abnormal State
F0066 - _REF_LIM_CNT REFRESH LIMIT Increases if Module Refresh in Abnormal State (Timeout )
F0068 - _REF_ERR_CNT REFRESH ERROR Increases if Module Refresh in Abnormal State
F0070 - _MOD_RD_ERR_CNT Not used
F0072 - _MOD_WR_ERR_CNT Not used
F0074 - _CA_CNT Not used
F0076 - _CA_LIM_CNT Not used
F0078 - _CA_ERR_CNT Not used
F0080 - _BUF_FULL_CNT BUFFUR FULL Increases if CPU Internal Buffer FULL
Word Bit Variable Function Description
F0082 - _PUT_CNT PUT COUNT Increases if Performing PUT.
F0084 - _GET_CNT GET COUNT Increases if Performing GET.
F0086 - _KEY CURRENT KEY Displays the Current State of Local Key.
F0088 - _KEY_PREV PREVIOUS KEY Displays the Previous State of Local Key
F0090 - _IO_TYER_N INCONSISTENT SLOT Displays Module Type – Inconsistent Slot No.
SLOT Displays Slot No. where Module Removal Occurred
F0093 - _IO_RWER_N RW ERROR SLOT Displays Module Read/Write –Error Slot No.
F0094 - _IP_IFER_N I/F ERROR SLOT Displays Interface Error Slot No.
F0096 - _IO_TYER0 MODULE TYPE 0 ERROR Main Base - Module Type Error
F0104 - _IO_DEER0 MODULE REMOVAL 0 ERROR Main Base Module Removal Error
F0120 - _IO_RWER0 MODULE RW 0 ERROR Main Base - Module Read/Write Error
F0128 - _IO_IFER_0 MODULE I/F 0 ERROR Main Base Module - Interface Error
FREQUENCY Stores the Frequency that Power has been Shut out.
FREQUENCY Stores the Frequency that Error s were Made
FREQUENCY Stores the Frequency that the Mode has been Converted
FREQUENCY Stores the Frequency that the System History Occurred.
F0148 - _LOG_ROTATE LOG ROTATE Stores Log Rotate Information
F0150 - _BASE_INFO0 SLOT INFORMATION 0 Main Base Slot Information
- _USER_WRITE_F USABLE CONTACTING POINT Contacting Point Usable in Program
F2000 _RTC_WR RTC RW Writes and Read Data to RTC
F2001 _SCAN_WR SCAN WR Scan Value Initialization
SERIOUS FAILURE REQUEST Requires Serious Failures from External Devices
F2003 _CHK_ANC_WAR EXTERNAL WARNING REQUEST Requests to Detect Light Failures from External Devices
F2010 _INIT_DONE INTIALIZATION COMPLETED Displays Initialization Task Performance Completed
INFORMATION Displays Serious Failures Information of External Devices
WARNING Displays the Light Failures Information of External Devices
F210 - _MON_YEAR_DT MONTH / YEAR Clock Information Data (Month / Year)
F211 - _TIME_DAY_DT HOUR / DAY Clock Information Data ( Hour / Day )
F212 - _SEC_MIN_DT SECOND / MINUTE Clock Information Data (Second / Minute )
F213 - _HUND_WK_DT 100 YEARS / DAY Clock Information Data( 100 Years / Day )
(2) Common area
Communication flag according to P2P service setting
In case of XGB, P2P parameter 1~3, P2P block 0~31
Device IEC type Key word Type Description
L5120 %LX8192 _P2P1_NDR00 Bit P2P Parameter 1 block 0 service normal end
L5121 %LX8193 _P2P1_ERR00 Bit P2P Parameter 1 block 0 service abnormal end
L513 %LW513 _P2P1_STATUS00 Word When P2P Parameter 1 block 0 service abnormal end,
indicates error code.
L514 %LD257 _P2P1_SVCCNT00 Double Word Indicates P2P Parameter 1 block 0 service normal
execution count
L516 %LD258 _P2P1_ERRCNT00 Double Word Indicates P2P Parameter 1 block 0 service abnormal
execution count
L5180 %LX8288 _P2P1_NDR01 Bit P2P Parameter 1 block 1 service normal end
L5181 %LX8289 _P2P1_ERR01 Bit P2P Parameter 1 block 1 service abnormal end
L519 %LW519 _P2P1_STATUS01 Word When P2P Parameter 1 block 1 service abnormal end,
indicates error code.
L520 %LD260 _P2P1_SVCCNT01 Double Word Indicates P2P Parameter 1 block 1 service normal
execution count
L522 %LD264 _P2P1_ERRCNT01 Double Word Indicates P2P Parameter 1 block 1 service abnormal
execution count
L524~L529 %LW524~
%LW529 - Word P2P parameter1 block 2 service
L530~L535 %LW530~
%LW535 - Word P2P parameter1 block 3 service
L536~L697 %LW536~
%LW697 - Word P2P parameter1 block 4~30 service
L698~L703 %LW698~
%LW703 - Word P2P parameter1 block 31 service
A.2.2 Network Register (N) List
This chapter describes on communication network register (P2P parameter: 1~3, P2P block: 0~31)
Device IEC type Key word Type Description
N000 %NW000 _P1B00SN Word Saves P2P parameter1 block 00‘s partner station number.
N0001~0004 %NW0001~0005 _P1B00RD1 Word Saves Saves P2P parameter1 block 00 Read area device 1
N005 %NW006 _P1B00RS1 Word Saves Saves P2P parameter1 block 00 Read area size 1
N0006~0009 %NW0007~0011 _P1B00RD2 Word Saves Saves P2P parameter1 block 00 Read area device 2
N010 %NW012 _P1B00RS2 Word Saves Saves P2P parameter1 block 00 Read area size 2
N0011~0014 %NW0013~0017 _P1B00RD3 Word Saves Saves P2P parameter1 block 00 Read area device 3
N015 %NW018 _P1B00RS3 Word Saves Saves P2P parameter1 block 00 Read area size 3
N0016~0019 %NW0019~0023 _P1B00RD4 Word Saves Saves P2P parameter1 block 00 Read area device 4
N020 %NW024 _P1B00RS4 Word Saves Saves P2P parameter1 block 00 Read area size 4
N0021~0024 %NW0025~0029 _P1B00WD1 Word Saves Saves P2P parameter1 block 00 Save area device 1
N025 %NW030 _P1B00WS1 Word Saves Saves P2P parameter1 block 00 Save area size 1
N0026~0029 %NW0031~0035 _P1B00WD2 Word Saves Saves P2P parameter1 block 00 Save area device 2
N030 %NW036 _P1B00WS2 Word Saves Saves P2P parameter1 block 00 Save area size 2
N0031~0034 %NW0037~0041 _P1B00WD3 Word Saves Saves P2P parameter1 block 00 Save area device 3
N035 %NW042 _P1B00WS3 Word Saves Saves P2P parameter1 block 00 Save area size 3
N0036~0039 %NW0043~0047 _P1B00WD4 Word Saves Saves P2P parameter1 block 00 Save area device 4
N040 %NW0048 _P1B00WS4 Word Saves Saves P2P parameter1 block 00 Save area size 4
N0041~0081 %NW0049~0097 - Word P2P parameter 1 block 01 Save area
N0082~0122 %NW0098~0146 - Word P2P parameter 1 block 02 Save area
N0123~1311 %NW0147~1567 - Word P2P parameter 1 block 03 ~ 31 Save area
N1312~2623 %NW1568~3135 - Word P2P parameter 2 Save area
N2624~3935 %NW3136~4703 - Word P2P parameter 3 Save area
 Network register is Read Only device in the XGB.


A.3 External Dimension
Dimension Unit : mm


A.4 Action when changing OS version from V1.x to V2.0
1) Communication Module Set-up
- Use tag should be checked.
2) Tag setup
- Register the sending / receiving data device with Tag.

b) XEC

3) Periodic Client Communication Service
- Enter the Tag name instead of the device address in the local tag in the tag settings.
a) For XBL-EIPT V1.x

b) For XBL-EIPT V2.0 or later

4) Periodic Server Communication Service
- Register the XBL-EIPT EDS V2.10 file from the client device. (XBL-EIPT_V21.eds)
- Enter the Tag name instead of the device address in the local tag in the tag settings.
a) For XBL-EIPT V1.x

b) For XBL-EIPT V2.0 or later

5) Aperiodic Client Communication Service
- Enter the Tag name instead of the device address in the local tag in the tag settings.
a) For XBL-EIPT V1.x

b) For XBL-EIPT V2.0 or later

6) Aperiodic Server Communication Service
- Enter the Tag name instead of the device name on the client device
Warranty and Environmental Policy
1. Warranty Period
The product you purchased will be guaranteed for 18 months from the date of manufacturing.
2. Scope of Warranty
Any trouble or defect occurring for the above-mentioned period will be partially replaced or repaired. However, please note the following
cases will be excluded from the scope of warranty.
(1) Any trouble attributable to unreasonable condition, environment or handling otherwise specified in the manual,
(2) Any trouble attributable to others’ products,
(3) If the product is modified or repaired in any other place not designated by the company,
(4) Due to unintended purposes
(5) Owing to the reasons unexpected at the level of the contemporary science and technology when delivered.
(6) Not attributable to the company; for instance, natural disasters or fire
3. Since the above warranty is limited to PLC unit only, make sure to use the product considering the safety for system configuration or
Environmental Policy
LS ELECTRICCo., Ltd supports and observes the environmental policy as below.
LS ELECTRIC considers the environmental
preservation as the preferential management
subject and every staff of LS ELECTRIC use
the reasonable endeavors for the pleasurably
environmental preservation of the earth.

LS ELECTRIC PLC unit is designed to protect
the environment. For the disposal, separate
aluminum, iron and synthetic resin (cover) from
the product as they are reusable.
Environmental Management About Disposal
■ Overseas Subsidiaries
• LS ELECTRIC Japan Co., Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan)
Tel: 81-3-6268-8241 E-Mail: jschuna@lselectric.biz
• LS ELECTRIC (Dalian) Co., Ltd. (Dalian, China)
Tel: 86-411-8730-6495 E-Mail: jiheo@lselectric.com.cn
• LS ELECTRIC (Wuxi) Co., Ltd. (Wuxi, China)
Tel: 86-510-6851-6666 E-Mail: sblee@lselectric.co.kr
• LS ELECTRIC Shanghai Office (China)
Tel: 86-21-5237-9977 E-Mail: tsjun@lselectric.com.cn
• LS ELECTRIC Vietnam Co., Ltd.
Tel: 84-93-631-4099 E-Mail: jhchoi4@lselectric.biz (Hanoi)
Tel: 84-28-3823-7890 E-Mail: sjbaik@lselectric.biz (Hochiminh)
• LS ELECTRIC Middle East FZE (Dubai, U.A.E.)
Tel: 971-4-886-5360 E-Mail: salesme@lselectric.biz
• LS ELECTRIC Europe B.V. (Hoofddorf, Netherlands)
Tel: 31-20-654-1424 E-Mail: europartner@lselectric.biz
• LS ELECTRIC America Inc. (Chicago, USA)
Tel: 1-800-891-2941 E-Mail: sales.us@lselectricamerica.com
■ Headquarter
LS-ro 127(Hogye-dong) Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-Do, 14119,
■ Seoul Office
LS Yongsan Tower, 92, Hangang-daero, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, 04386,
Tel: 82-2-2034-4033, 4888, 4703 Fax: 82-2-2034-4588
E-mail: automation@lselectric.co.kr
■ Factory
56, Samseong 4-gil, Mokcheon-eup, Dongnam-gu, Cheonan-si,
Chungcheongnam-do, 31226, Korea
©2017. LS ELECTRIC Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 2020.06